A big problem for the great rivals of Polish volleyball players. The star player is out of the squad

A big problem for the great rivals of Polish volleyball players.  The star player is out of the squad

The French national team will enter the second week of the Nations League without two important players. The loss of Earvin N'gapeth may be particularly painful.

The French national team successfully started this year's Nations League. In the first week of the competition, the Tricolor team recorded three victories and one defeat. Only the Slovenians turned out to be better than them, winning 3:1. There is no denying that Slovenia turned out to be the executioner of great teams, because they also defeated Poland without losing a set. Currently, the Tricolor team is in fourth place in the Nations League table – just ahead of our team.

Earvin N'gapeth injured. Serious weakness

During the second week of the Nations League, the French want to get closer to the final stage of the tournament, but they will start the competition in Canada weakened. All because coach Andrea Giani will not be able to use the services of Earvin N'Gapeth, as reported by Volley Actu. The famous receiver is struggling with a calf injury. The French training staff secretly hopes that the break will not last long and that the player will be able to recover even for the last tournament of the regular phase of the Nations League. In it, the Olympic champions will play in the Philippines in two weeks.

N'gapeth played a part in the French national team's first victories in official matches this year. In total, he recorded 25 points next to his name. Apart from the 33-year-old, Barthelemy Chinenyeze, a middle blocker who is dealing with a knee injury, will also not play in Ottawa. Let us remind you that in Canada the Tricolors will face the Italians, Dutch, Cubans and Argentines.

The French with a clear priority

The training staff is closely monitoring the health situation of its volleyball players. If necessary, injured players will be given more time to rest. No one doubts that the Nations League is important, but what is most important will start at the end of July.

Of course, we are talking about the Olympic Games in Paris, where the French will defend their championship title. Let us recall that three years ago in Tokyo, on their way to victory, they defeated Poles 3-2 in the quarterfinals.

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