A capsule hotel, modeled on Japan, opened in the center of Warsaw

A capsule hotel, modeled on Japan, opened in the center of Warsaw

Capsule hotels are mostly associated with Japan. The first one was built in Osaka in 1979, now a similar facility has been opened in the center of Warsaw.

Capsule hotels are places where accommodation is offered in rooms with a size of about 2 square meters. This solution has gained popularity mainly among people who care about cheap, easily accessible accommodation for one night. These are solutions that have been present on global markets for years. The precursor of this model is Japan. It was in Osaka that the first hotel of this type was built. They are also very popular in Tokyo. Such facilities already existed in Poland. One of them was Wilson in Warsaw’s Żoliborz. Now, in the center at ul. Wit was created Hostel Capsule, which currently offers 114 capsules. In the future, he wants to increase his offer to 150.

How much does it cost to stay in a room with an area of ​​2 m2? The Warsaw hostel prices a night in its capsule at PLN 69. The room has two power sockets, a fold-out table and free wifi.

In the building at ul. Dowcip 4, where the hostel was built, was previously the server room of the Orange company. The renovation and adaptation of the premises to the new role cost PLN 2.8 million.

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