A new mushroom in Polish forests. It’s an invasive species

A new mushroom in Polish forests.  It's an invasive species

A rapidly spreading type of mushroom has been observed in Poland. Its fruit is considered extremely tasty, but its excessive expansion may be dangerous.

This year’s mushroom pickers have already noticed a lot of new specimens on forest paths. One species in particular caught their attention. American bolete is not a Polish variety – it comes from the United States. It reached Europe in the late 1980s. Recent weeks have brought an abundance of boletus mushrooms in Polish forests, which is causing concern among some Internet users.

American boletes have taken over Polish forests

The slender bolete (also known as the American bolete, the slender bolete or the slender bolete) was spotted by mushroom pickers in Lesser Poland a week ago. “It’s safe to say that once it appears, there’s a lot of it” – reads the description of a photo posted on one of the mushroom forums. The photo received a lot of comments from other lovers of forest walks, who discussed with interest the taste of the American mushroom.

“Tastes similar to noble?” – asked one of the Internet users. “I recently made chips from it and they turned out not even slightly sour,” another user said about his experience. Mushroom pickers were also extremely curious about where to find the dozens of American boletes presented in the photos. It turned out that the photos were taken in Filipowice near Krakow. In another post on Facebook, the woman boasted about finding American boletes in the Lubusz Voivodeship. There are also many photos of these specimens on Instagram.

The species is considered dangerous

The slender laburnum was discovered in 1938. The first units appeared in Lithuania in the late 1980s. In Poland, it is present mainly in the Podlasie region and the coastal belt. It can most often be found near mountain pine and Scots pine. Its appearance is characterized by a relatively long stem and a slightly convex, reddish cap with a diameter of up to 20 cm with a distinctive frill on the edge.

The rapidly spreading fungus caused concern among foresters and mushroom pickers. “Supposedly an invasive species, I hope it won’t harm ours” – we can read among the opinions about the new find. This type of living organisms in nature poses a threat to the fauna and flora of the local ecosystem. In extreme cases, it may even lead to the extinction of native species.

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