A Polish tree nominated in an international competition. It is over 200 years old

A Polish tree nominated in an international competition.  It is over 200 years old

15 trees from the Old Continent take part in the plebiscite. You can vote for your favorite representative until February 22.

Wojsławice in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship has been home to a unique beech tree for over 200 years. Called the “Heart of the Garden”, the tree will compete in the annual plebiscite for the “European Tree of the Year”. In this edition, the Polish candidate will face, among others: with an oak from Slovakia, a pear from the Czech Republic and an olive tree from Italy.

The common beech from Wojsławice is a Polish candidate

The Botanical Garden in Wojsławice still remains one of the lesser-known attractions of Lower Silesia. Although many residents of the voivodeship have heard about the Arboretum in Wojsławice, which belongs to the University of Wrocław, for other tourists from Poland the facility may be quite a surprise. It is here, in a garden from the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, that one of the most beautiful specimens of common beech in Poland is hidden. Nature enthusiasts have been meeting under its branches for generations. “This monumental tree grows in the center of the old park. Its majestic appearance delights with its unusually shaped and thick trunk, widely spread branches and purple leaves that shimmer beautifully in the sun,” we read on the website of the organizer, the Environmental Partnership Association (EPA) based in Brussels. Every year, 300,000 people vote in their “Tree of Europe” competition. people from all over Europe.

Voting will last until February 22

To be included in the European competition, “Serce Ogrodu” had to defeat Polish opponents in the race for the title of “Trees of the Year in Poland” of the Klub Gaja Foundation. The Lower Silesian beech won, among others: with the Malwa and Miłosz oaks in Warsaw and Jeżyk, a chestnut tree from Toruń. This time he will also have to defeat the European title contenders selected in his home country. There are fifteen of them in the entire competition – the trees come from, among others, from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy and Great Britain. The Tree of the Year is intended to attract attention primarily with its unique history, although for many Internet users its age and appearance are also important. Voting on the organizer’s website will last until 4 p.m. on February 22 – each e-mail address is assigned one voting option. The winner will be announced on March 20, 2024 during a ceremony at the European Parliament in Brussels.

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