A scandal on the route to Morskie Oko. The Minister of Climate asks for a week

A scandal on the route to Morskie Oko.  The Minister of Climate asks for a week

Minister of Climate and Environment Paulina Hennig-Kloska reacted to last weekend's event. She announced actions to improve the fate of horses on the route to Morskie Oko.

On Saturday, May 4, a recording of another incident on the trail to Morskie Oko appeared online. She published the video on her social media profile, among others. The VIVA Foundation, which for years has been appealing to Poles not to use fags, i.e. horse-drawn carts.

The Minister of Climate reacts to the incident near Morskie Oko

The video shows that one of the horses pulling the cart with tourists fell on the road. The driver hit the animal in the mouth, and after a while the horse stood up and was harnessed back to the cart. Shocked tourists watched everything.

The new recording has once again initiated a heated debate on the fate of the horses from Morskie Oko. The Minister of Climate and Environment also took part in the discussion. She announced a reaction, but not an immediate one. She emphasized that it is worth waiting for certain decisions in the region in this matter.

– After talking to the director of the Tatra National Park, I have no doubt that the development of tourism in the Tatra Mountains can be reconciled with caring for animal welfare and this will certainly be the goal of our activities in the coming weeks – said Paulina Hennig-Kloska.

Hennig-Kloska asks for patience

– Everything indicates that in order to have partners for further talks about the route to Morskie Oko, we must wait until tomorrow for the election of the starosta in the Tatra poviat, because the road leading to Morskie Oko is managed by the poviat office – she explained. She added that previous attempts to solve the problem had been blocked by the district authorities.

The head of the Ministry of Climate emphasized that she would go to the Tatra National Park for talks with interested parties. In her opinion, it is still better to talk at the negotiating table than in the courtroom.

– We give ourselves a week to collect all this information, previous experiences, attempts to solve this problem and the reasons why we were unable to take a step forward, and then we will meet with the participation of the local community and the newly elected authorities of the Tatra district – she announced.

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