A smartass from Zakopane took advantage of the tourists' ignorance. He had no scruples

A smartass from Zakopane took advantage of the tourists' ignorance.  He had no scruples

Zakopane is under siege during the May weekend. A man eager to make money decided to take advantage of the tourists' unawareness.

Sunny weather and spring aura attracted crowds of tourists to Zakopane for the May weekend. Karol Wagner from the Tatra Chamber of Commerce said that the average occupancy rate in all guesthouses near Giewont is 80%. – We have a lot of facilities, mainly smaller ones, whose owners report to us that all their rooms are occupied. However, there are still a lot of vacancies, for example in the center of Zakopane – he said.

Buried. The May weekend attracted crowds of tourists

The official admitted that the weather has a huge influence on Poles' travel decisions. – We receive a lot of calls asking about the weather. Some of our clients wait until the day of departure to make sure about the weather and then decide to finalize their stay. We expect it will be very similar to last year, when all our overnight stays were filled on May 3, he explained.

Tourists who decided to go to Zakopane by car for the May weekend had to be very patient. There were so big traffic jams on Zakopane that the journey time from Krakow took over two hours. A line of cars also lined up on the access roads to popular trails, including: on Morskie Oko.

Buried. This is how he took advantage of the tourists' ignorance

It is no different in the center of Zakopane. There was a large crowd waiting in the queue to get to Kasprowy Wierch to admire the panorama of the mountains. Some people saw it as a good opportunity to earn a few pennies. “Tygodnik Podhalański” published a recording showing how the so-called ponies.

One man decided to collect money from tourists by offering them tickets to climb the mountain. He thus took advantage of the ignorance of tourists who were not aware that for a long time tickets for a specific hour of funicular travel could be purchased, among others, over the Internet. It remains a mystery how much of a price cut he offered.

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