A touching recording of Navalny’s mother. “I appeal to you, Vladimir Putin”

A touching recording of Navalny's mother.  "I appeal to you, Vladimir Putin"

Lyudmila Navalnaya, Alexei’s mother, published a recording in which she appealed to Vladimir Putin to hand over her son’s body. – So that I could bury him humanely – said the oppositionist’s mother.

Last Friday, February 16, the world media reported the death of Alexei Navalny, who was imprisoned in the Polar Wolf penal colony in northern Siberia. He was 47 years old.

Navalny is another victim of Putin’s revenge

Let us recall that Vladimir Putin’s staunch opponent was serving a long-term sentence there for alleged extremist activities, including: promoting terrorism. Experts have no doubt that the trial was staged and politically motivated.

Russian propaganda indicated “sudden cardiac arrest” as the official cause of Navalny’s death. However, as in the case of the above-mentioned trial, no one doubts that Navalny was a victim of revenge from the Kremlin satrap.

The same fate befell journalist Anna Politkovskaya and another opposition politician, Boris Nemtsov. They were both shot down in Moscow – Politkovskaya in 2006, Nemtsov in 2015.

Appeal from Navalny’s mother. “Let me finally see my son.”

Although several days have passed since Navalny’s death, his relatives were not only not given the body, but were not even allowed to see it in the mortuary. The Russian Investigative Committee explains that an investigation into Navalny’s death is still ongoing because the cause of the opposition politician’s death “has not been established.”

On Tuesday, February 20, the oppositionist’s mother Lyudmila Navalnaya published a video on social media in which she appealed to the Kremlin satrap to immediately release her son’s body. She made it clear what she thought about investigative translations. It is worth mentioning that the recording was recorded against the background of the buildings of the “Polar Wolf”.

– I haven’t seen him for five days, they don’t want to give me his body, they don’t even want to tell me where he is. I appeal to you, Vladimir Putin. The decision depends only on you. Let me finally see my son. I demand the immediate release of Alexei’s body so that I can bury him humanely, Navalny’s mother said.

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