A week in Egypt for a thousand zlotys. All inclusive holiday in a beach hotel

A week in Egypt for a thousand zlotys.  All inclusive holiday in a beach hotel

One thousand is enough to spend seven days on the beach in Sharm el-Sheikh. The price includes flights, accommodation and full board with drinks.

Low prices for all-inclusive holidays can be found at any time of the year. Just before the high season, travel agencies tempt us even more with attractive offers. Tour operator Join UP offers Polish tourists holidays in Sharm el-Sheikh, where at the end of May we will spend a blissful week of vacation for only one thousand zlotys. In addition to direct flights from Poznań to Egypt, travelers will benefit from full all-inclusive meals, as well as a hotel swimming pool overlooking the fabulous beach.

Holidays in Egypt for PLN 1,000

Tourists who can't wait for summer to be in full swing can enjoy an extremely cheap offer of a week's holiday in Egypt from the Join UP! travel agency. We will go on a last minute holiday in just a few days. The departure from Poznań to Sharm el-Sheikh is planned for Friday, May 24, and the return on May 31, during the second long weekend this month. The price is particularly encouraging for a spontaneous trip, which is exactly PLN 1,000 per person for two travelers. It includes not only direct flights from Greater Poland and back, but also accommodation with all-inclusive meals.

Hotel with a view right on the beach

We will stay at the three-star Halomy hotel, located on a rocky cliff overlooking the entire Naama Bay, right next to a private, sandy beach accessed by steps. This location guarantees amazing views that we can admire straight from the hotel swimming pool. The facility is located only 13 kilometers from the airport, so we don't have to worry about long and exhausting transfers. All-inclusive meals guarantee full meals three times a day, plus snacks and drinks (including alcoholic ones) in between. Most of the rooms offered have a balcony or terrace. The hotel has a playground for children, and animations for adults are provided every evening.

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