Adam Konkol has lung cancer. The musician revealed the details of the diagnosis

Adam Konkol has lung cancer.  The musician revealed the details of the diagnosis

Recently, Adam Konkol admitted that he had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Now, in one of the interviews, he revealed more information about the diagnosis.

Adam Konkol is a famous guitarist and composer. He gained recognition thanks to his artistic activities and performances with the band “Łzy”, which he founded in 1996. The musician recently informed his fans and friends that he is suffering from malignant lung cancer. Now he has “opened up” and revealed more details about the circumstances of his diagnosis. It turns out that initially cancer resembled a common disease that most people have encountered in their lives.

How did Adam Konkol find out about lung cancer?

In an interview with one of the websites, Adam Konkol revealed that he actually found out about lung cancer by accident. While in London, he fell ill with type A influenza.

“I was so sick that I ended up in hospital with suspected pneumonia. They then performed a CT scan of my lungs. Having previous tomography scans in the archives – this is the advantage for me, that I am under constant control, so it is easier to see such things in the photos – they detected that there was a nodule that had gotten bigger, so they didn't even tell me that I should check it, just they immediately sent me for an urgent PET scan. That's when it turned out that the tumor was not only growing, but also glowing in the photos. This meant that it was active, that there were cancer cells there,” he explained in an interview.

The musician received the diagnosis the day before he left for vacation. The diagnosis turned out to be quite a surprise. The founder of the “Łzy” band leads a healthy lifestyle. He never smoked cigarettes. He did not notice any disturbing symptoms in his body.

This disease does not cause any symptoms. And when it does bother you, the tumor is several centimeters long – then it is too late for treatment. I'm lucky again – during a minor infection, I underwent a CT scan, which revealed the disease – he emphasized.

Adam Konkol and his fight against cancer

Adam Konkol emphasized that he tries to lead a normal life and not focus too much on the disease. He is currently undergoing a series of radiation treatments. Other standard treatments for lung cancer (surgery, chemotherapy) are excluded. The musician has had a congenital heart defect since childhood, which led to the development of Eisenmenger syndrome. It's pulmonary arterial hypertension. During the course of the disease, changes occur in the walls of the pulmonary vessels and blood flow is reversed. Instead of flowing into the lungs, it flows straight into the heart chambers.

As a result, the body is not well oxygenated, which results in various types of problems. The most characteristic symptoms of Eisenmenger syndrome include clubbed fingers, cyanosis and shortness of breath. “I feel at the top of my life. I will play all the concerts that are and will be planned 100 percent. and I will give it my all. I want to meet fans. The disease has no effect on my physical well-being, it should have on my mental well-being, but interestingly, I came back to life – as if I had received extra adrenaline to fight. I am fighting,” said Adam Konkol.

What symptoms can lung cancer cause?

In the initial stage of development, lung cancer does not give any clear signals. Over time, symptoms may appear, such as: hoarseness, chest pain, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or swallowing problems. If you notice any disturbing symptoms, contact your primary care physician as soon as possible.

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