Adrian Zandberg by 10 percent tax for flippers

Adrian Zandberg by 10 percent  tax for flippers

The liberals' proposals regarding the health insurance premium mean the removal of billions of zlotys from the public health care budget. In practice, this means that queues in clinics and hospitals will lengthen – argued Adam Zandberg, MP on RMF FM. He also presented himself as a supporter of increasing the tax on apartment purchases for certain categories of buyers.

– As I understand it, the idea of ​​liberal formations is that they want to give the money they take from public health care to entrepreneurs, including wealthy and very wealthy entrepreneurs. We think this is a mistake and we simply do not agree with it, said Adrian Zandberg, MP on RMF FM.

Zandberg on the proposal to change the entrepreneurs' contribution

He wondered “if Poland is in such a good economic situation to make a gift of PLN 10-12 billion to the richest people.” “If so, I would like to hear why we are raising VAT to 5% on food,” he noted.

Zandberg is not alone in criticizing the government's idea, which clearly prefers the self-employed over full-time employees. “Is it socially fair to have a situation in which an employee receiving the minimum wage (PLN 4,242 gross) pays a health insurance contribution of PLN 329 each month, while an entrepreneur who settles according to the tax scale and achieves an income of e.g. PLN 50,000? PLN a month, which is more than 12 times the minimum wage, will pay a monthly contribution of PLN 286, i.e. PLN 43 less (13%)?” – we read in the OPZZ announcement on the direction of the proposed amendment.

Zandberg by 10 percent. real estate tax

Zandberg was also asked about the situation on the real estate market.

– We have a problem in Poland that speculation on housing prices pushes these prices up very much. Everyone sees this. There are simple solutions, for example changes in the tax on civil law transactions, said the MP. In his opinion, “a 10% rate would cool the hot heads of those who are already counting profits from further rising housing prices.”

– We have reached an absurd situation in which residents of large and medium-sized cities who earn quite well cannot even dream of taking out a 30-year loan for an apartment because they do not have the creditworthiness to buy such an apartment – ​​he argued.

A few days ago, the candidate for the mayor of Warsaw, Magdalena Biejat, spoke about the need to tax transactions made by people who often buy and sell apartments. Such a regulation would be aimed at the so-called flippers who specialize in buying cheap apartments, quick renovations and resale at a profit. Ryszard Petru, an MP from Poland 2050, stood up for them and argued in his posts on X that they were entrepreneurs who perform important tasks.

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