After the elections, Apoloniusz Tajner had to resign from his position. That’s what his lawyers advised him to do

After the elections, Apoloniusz Tajner had to resign from his position.  That's what his lawyers advised him to do

Apoloniusz Tajner successfully ran in this year’s local elections. As it turns out, after receiving a parliamentary mandate, the former president of PZN had to resign from the position he had recently held. That’s what his lawyers advised him to do.

Apoloniusz Tajner is an icon of Polish ski jumping. For many years he was a coach of the Polish ski jumping team, achieving great successes with Adam Małysz. After his coaching career, he became the president of the Polish Ski Association, in which he operated until recently.

Apoloniusz Tajner ran in the local elections

From June 25, 2022, the new president of PZN is Adam Małysz, who replaced Apoloniusz Tajner in this position after sixteen years. After years, the activist decided to change something in his life and decided to run in the local elections in 2023. The 69-year-old is to run as an independent candidate, but from the Civic Coalition’s lists.

This is not the first time Tajner tried his hand at politics. In 2004, he ran for the European Parliament, but was not elected as an MEP. However, this year was different and he managed to get into the Sejm. As it turns out, after receiving the parliamentary mandate, a conflict of interests arose. As reported by Interia journalists, Apoloniusz Tajner joined the board of the Polish Bobsleigh and Skeleton Association some time ago.

Apoloniusz Tajner had to resign from his position

The president of PZBiS, Arkadiusz Sobieraj, wanted to take advantage of his vast experience. Ultimately, this cooperation did not last long, because after being elected as an MP, lawyers advised Apoloniusz Tajner to resign from this position. – I received this legal interpretation. It turns out that in an organization that conducts even a minimal amount of business activity related to State Treasury companies or public organizations, I cannot be a member of the management board. That’s why I submitted my resignation, and it was accepted – he said in an interview with Interia.

The president of PZBiS and the MP say with one voice that they have not had the opportunity to cooperate for too long. – But I had many conversations with Apoloniusz Tajner during this time and he brought a lot of experience to the association – concluded Sobieraj.

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