Aleksander Śliwka had offers from Italy and Japan. The agent reveals why he stayed at ZAKSA

Aleksander Śliwka had offers from Italy and Japan.  The agent reveals why he stayed at ZAKSA

Aleksander Śliwka is one of the leaders of ZAKSA and the Polish national team. The volleyball agent revealed that the buyer had offers, among others: from Italy and Japan. We know why he decided to stay in PlusLiga.

Andrzej Wrona has been playing for the club from Warsaw since 2016. Mid-Project from time to time launches the “Zgrupowanie” podcast on his YouTube channel. Volleyball fans can listen there to opinions and many anecdotes from important people from the world of Polish volleyball.

Aleksander Śliwka could have ended up in Italy

Volleyball agent Jakub Michalak was present on the last podcast. The Warsaw Project player raised the topic of foreign transfers. His guest talked about the possibility of Aleksander Śliwka going to Italy. The situation took place in 2021, when the host of Grupa Azoty ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle was elected MVP of the Champions League and his club defeated Itas Trentino.

– Italians believe that if you go to play for them, you have to give up 30% of your contract. Once, the sports director of an average Italian team called and said that he would like to see Śliwka in his team. He said that they would equalize his contract and thanks to that he would be able to promote himself in Italy – he mentioned.

ZAKSA’s recipient had an offer from Japan. That’s why he didn’t use it

Moreover, the captain of Grupa Azoty ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle had, among others, an offer from Japan. Ultimately, he decided to give it up because of… the Polish national team. – Two years ago Śliwka could have gone to Japan. They offered much more money than he earns in Poland. Olek said that during the Olympic cycle he wants to play in a club with the first national team quarterback. He wanted to prepare as much as possible for the national team season and it was primarily a sports choice, he revealed.

– At the moment, there is huge money and contracts in Japan that just need to be raised. Olek’s contract at ZAKSA is ending, so when, if not now? – finished.

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