An incident during the opening of an amusement park. Nearly 30 people were suspended above the ground for almost half an hour.

An incident during the opening of an amusement park. Nearly 30 people were suspended above the ground for almost half an hour.

The season opener for this amusement park wasn’t very good. The tourists who came to the site were certainly not looking for such extreme experiences. They hovered above the ground for about half an hour.

An unfortunate incident occurred during the opening of the season at the American Oaks amusement park in Portland, Oregon. Many people who prefer entertainment for the brave had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Unfortunately, some were shocked at the very beginning. It turned out that one of the attractions had a serious failure. Because of this, about 30 people were hanging above the ground.

Failure at the opening of the amusement park

Everything is so strange that it happened during the opening of the amusement park in the new season. Although it might seem that the machines should have been well tested and restored, it turns out that something has failed. Tourists who used one of the extreme cranes called Atmosfear hung high above the ground in highly tilted positions. They had to remain in this state until help was provided.

Park staff and firefighters were quickly called to the scene. Everyone rushed to help the injured. It took about half an hour to rescue and bring the situation under control. It was necessary to manually lower the platform with chairs to the ground. Later, medical teams checked the tourists’ health condition. Fortunately, none of them were hurt.

Tourists were left hanging above the ground. A recording was posted online

The footage of the incident quickly went viral. It was published by CNN, among others, and you can watch it all on YouTube. It shows real moments of horror and people hanging on their legs from the machine. A lot of people gathered around the chairlift. Many of them took pictures and gave live reports. An ambulance also appeared nearby, ready to provide support at any moment. The video looks really terrifying. Currently, the attraction is closed until further notice.

Unfortunately, this is not the first accident of this type at the famous amusement park. Tourists have been left hanging on faulty attractions many times. In late December last year, a group of people were left hanging upside down on a roller coaster in Osaka, while in February this year, tourists were left dangling over a precipice on the Longtan Grand Canyon rope bridge.

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