An innocent joke at the airport had unexpected consequences. The Pole was not allowed to board

An innocent joke at the airport had unexpected consequences.  The Pole was not allowed to board

The 32-year-old tourist's vacation ended at the airport. A Polish citizen joked that he had dangerous items with him.

The airport is one of the places where it is better to be careful. A 32-year-old Polish citizen found this out when he stopped Border Guard officers at the Poznań-Ławica airport. During the check-in, the tourist joked that he had grenades with him. He was immediately removed from the passenger list and given a fine. Instead of going to London, the man went back home.

Prohibited items in luggage

When traveling by air, tourists should remember about items that are prohibited in hand luggage. Some of them will not be allowed to be included in checked baggage transported in the hold of the aircraft. The 32-year-old Pole, who was supposed to travel from Poznań airport to London last week, was aware of this. However, the man decided to make fun of the ground staff. The tourist announced that he had dangerous items with him – grenades. He didn't have to wait long for the services to respond.

The Pole was not allowed to board the plane

“The pyrotechnicians on duty immediately took action to clarify the entire situation. The 32-year-old was checked and, as he explained to the officers, his words were just a “stupid joke” resulting from fatigue,” it was written in a message published on the Border Guard website on Tuesday, April 30. The traveler's luggage was checked, but no declared dangerous items were found. Although the man apologized for causing confusion, he was ultimately not allowed to board the plane at the request of the plane's pilot. Additionally, the Pole was charged with a fine of PLN 300. “The event had no impact on the smooth operation of the Poznań airport,” we read. Internet users commented on the Border Guard's profile and suggested that penalties for similar offenses should be much higher.

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