Andrzej Olechowski for “Wprost”: I take it really seriously. This is not Tusk's normal style

Andrzej Olechowski for "Wprost": I take it really seriously.  This is not Tusk's normal style

– I am a bit surprised by Tusk's strong tone when it comes to the threat from Russia. He always approached similar matters with a distance or nervousness. Now I see maximum seriousness – says Andrzej Olechowski, economist, co-founder of the Civic Platform, in an interview with “Wprost”. The former Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Minister of Finance also assesses the changes in the government. – With the exception of Sienkiewicz, these gentlemen did not stand out in particular, they turned out to be unnecessary in the government. If they were crucial and effective, Tusk would not have allowed them to run for the European Parliament. Generally speaking, the entire PO representation is made up of people who will not bring anything creative to the EU, he says.

Agnieszka Niełościowska, “Wprost”: Shopping center, landfills, buses in the depot, SKM train, forest in the Kampinos National Park. Or behind the series of fires that have recently broken out in Polandare there any external forces at play?

Andrzej Olechowski: It doesn't look normal and I hear people think the same. The election campaign further exacerbates the situation. I observe anxiety in my surroundings. People don't know what's going on. Therefore, it is important that clear messages come from the government and services.

And they don't fall?

The Prime Minister says that sabotage attempts have been prevented, but that the fires are not related to it. This is strange communication. Why did he combine these two pieces of information?

Since we are warned by the government, and especially by Tusk, that we are in pre-war times and we need to be vigilant, we need specifics – where to get information, who to notify, what to do. This is still missing.

The Prime Minister recently cited reports from various European capitals, saying that Russia was preparing various interventions before the European elections, and that Poland, Lithuania and Estonia were most at risk.

We see what is happening on the front in Ukraine, regrouping in Russian policy. While I am convinced that we will not face a frontal attack from Putin, the intensification of the hybrid war is certain.

You say that we have too little practical information and clear messages. How do you evaluate Donald Tusk's crisis communication?

We need to be seriously informed, not on Twitter. I am a bit surprised by Tusk's strong tone when it comes to the threat from Russia. Knowing that this is coming from the Prime Minister and former President of the European Council, I take it really seriously. This is not Tusk's normal style. He always approached similar matters with a distance or nervousness. Now I see maximum seriousness. Seriousness and conviction.

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