Apartments in Silesia. M-4 can be purchased for the price of a studio apartment in Warsaw

Apartments in Silesia.  M-4 can be purchased for the price of a studio apartment in Warsaw

Apartment prices have skyrocketed in the largest Polish cities. One of the few exceptions is the Silesian agglomeration, where a square meter of space costs much less than in other regions of the country. The Upper Silesian real estate market offers apartments from PLN 4,400. PLN per square meter The cheapest real estate can be purchased in Bytom, the most expensive for your own property is in Katowice.

The real estate market in Polish agglomerations is a hotly debated topic. Apartment prices, both on the primary and secondary markets, are constantly evolving, which makes the decision to buy an apartment more and more complex. Choosing the right place to live or invest requires careful analysis and consideration of various factors, including location, price, technical condition and availability of mortgage loans.

Real estate. An apartment in Silesia for the price of a studio apartment in Warsaw

Another key issue is the government’s decision to introduce an initiative to help borrowers in 2023, which is an important factor influencing the real estate market. – says Paweł Podgórski, Lendi loan expert, in an interview with – This program offers financial support for people planning to buy a flat, especially for those who use mortgage loans – he adds.

Many people look for advice on buying real estate on social media. Internet users are wondering whether to buy an apartment in the agglomeration where they work or whether it is better to return to their hometown to buy a much cheaper apartment. – I come from Silesia, but I have been living and working in Warsaw for several years. I’m wondering whether to buy a studio apartment in the capital on a loan or return to my hometown and buy a larger apartment there – Mr. Arkadiusz wrote on one of the forums. The man noted that he did not want to pay several thousand zlotys to rent an apartment in the capital. He also asked Internet users for advice.

Your own M allows you to plan your future. “It’s better to go your own way”

Most people encourage him to return to Silesia, especially if he can work remotely. – You don’t have to change your job, this is a very important advantage. And the second thing is that a larger apartment will allow you to make the decision to start a family faster. I did that and I’m satisfied. It’s better to go your own way – suggests one of the people.

Other Internet users argue that there is no point in struggling financially after buying a apartment in the capital. They also point out that for the same money he will buy his dream three- or four-room apartment. – It is worth being well prepared and consulting experts to make the best decision related to the real estate market – argue specialists in this industry.

Silesian agglomeration. Real estate much cheaper than in other cities

Warsaw remains the leader in terms of apartment prices, both on the primary and secondary markets. Kraków, Gdańsk, Wrocław and Poznań also remain at a relatively high price level. On the primary market in these cities, apartment prices in 2023 remain at a relatively high price level, attracting both investors and people planning to buy their own apartment.

The situation is slightly different in the Silesian agglomeration, which includes cities such as Katowice and Gliwice. There, the prices of developer apartments are lower compared to other agglomerations, and the price per square meter is approximately PLN 9,330. The secondary market is even better for people looking for an apartment. Prices of second-hand apartments are much lower than on the primary market and amount to approximately PLN 6,600 on average. PLN per square meter.

Upper Silesia is not only about mines and pollution, but also cheaper apartments

According to experts, the Silesian agglomeration, although it has lower prices than other agglomerations, still offers attractive conditions for people looking for real estate. – Lower housing prices in this region may be related to the greater availability of construction land – says Paweł Podgórski. – It is worth noting that apartment prices on the secondary market are often more affordable than on the primary market, which may be an alternative for those who are looking for cheaper options for purchasing real estate. – he points out.

Upper Silesia is still associated with mines, polluted air and entire districts of old tenement houses. Meanwhile, as the new residents argue, it is completely different. Unusual architecture, beautiful landscape and an ideal place to live — list the advantages. In addition, this region has one of the best transport connections in the country, which provide very good bandwidth. The myth of a typically industrial voivodeship is destroyed by the surrounding forests, which cover almost one third (31.7%) of the area of ​​the entire region.

Average price per square meter. The cheapest is in Bytom

Apartment prices in Silesia vary greatly. Data from the SonarHome agency show that the cheapest apartments are in Bytom, Ruda Śląska and Świętochłowice. The average price of a square meter of an apartment in Bytom is PLN 4.4 thousand. zloty. In some locations you can buy even cheaper apartments, even at PLN 3,862/sq m. The average value of real estate in Bytom is PLN 235.6 thousand. zloty.

An almost similar real estate price list is available in Ruda Śląska, where the average price per square meter is around PLN 4,450. As experts note, Ruda Śląska is one of the cities where apartment prices dropped compared to the previous month. The cheapest properties can be found in the northern part of the city. Apartments in Świętochłowice are also very popular, with real estate prices dropping by almost 1% compared to August. Current prices per square meter in this city are around PLN 4,500. zloty.

Lower housing prices. Zabrze and Gliwice are attracting interest

The attention of many buyers is attracted by the prices of apartments in Łaziska Górne. In this town of just over twenty thousand inhabitants, located near Mikołów, you can buy the cheapest apartments for PLN 150,000. zloty. Analyzes show that the average prices of apartments offered in sales advertisements are approximately PLN 280,000. zloty. You can also buy your dream M at a good price in other cities, including: in Zabrze, where the price per square meter is PLN 4.6 thousand. zloty. In turn, the average cost of an apartment in this city is approximately PLN 260,000.

You have to pay a bit more for a property in neighboring Gliwice, where apartment prices have increased by 5% since the beginning of the year. Last month, the average price per square meter in this city was PLN 5.6 thousand. zloty. To find a buyer for their apartment, sellers have to wait on average over three months.

Katowice is the leader in terms of prices. The average price per square meter is surprising

The most expensive apartments in Silesia are in Katowice, where the average price is PLN 6.8 thousand. PLN/sq m However, you have to pay dearly for a prestigious address in the Podlesie district – the average price per square meter. is PLN 9,165. Apartments in other Katowice districts are slightly cheaper. In several of them you have to pay well above average.

Prices per square meter of apartments in selected districts of Katowice:

  • Oak (PLN 8,096/sq m)

  • Paderewskiego-Muchowiec housing estate (PLN 7,999)

  • Kostuchna (PLN 7,912)

  • Zarzecze (PLN 7,334)

  • Osiedle Tysiąclecia (PLN 7,070)

  • Śródmieście (PLN 6,900)

The cheapest apartments in the capital of Silesia can be purchased in the following districts:

  • Witosa estate (PLN 5,382/sq m),

  • Załęże (PLN 5,267/sq m),

  • Murcki (PLN 5,267/sq m),

  • Szopienice-Burowiec (PLN 5,161/sq m).

source: SonarHome

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