Apple is giving up on what it has been working on for the last 10 years. However, this project did not work out

Apple is cozying up to China.  The critical agenda is over

Everyone who was hoping to soon get behind the wheel of a car from the iPhone manufacturer may feel very disappointed. Everything indicates that the Apple Car will not be created.

Over the last 10 years, there has been a lot of talk about the design of an electric car straight from the manufacturer of the most popular smartphone in the world. Apple Car – because we are talking about it – was supposed to be a real revolution in the automotive industry and one of the most ambitious, let's call it, products in the history of the company with a bitten apple in the logo.

However, Apple Car will not be created

Meanwhile, it suddenly turns out that Apple has abandoned the entire project and abandoned the previous ten years of work on the concept of a car that could cause a lot of disruption on the market. Unofficial reports indicate that Apple has abandoned work on its electric car. The main reason for this decision is the weakening global demand for electric cars.

As reported by Bloomberg, top Apple employees who have so far worked on the electric car project will be transferred to the division dealing with artificial intelligence. This information has already been confirmed by other independent sources.

Apple focuses on artificial intelligence

“If true, Apple will place more emphasis on GenAI, which should give investors more optimism about its ability to compete in AI,” said Ben Bajarin, CEO of consulting firm Creative Strategies.

The electric car project would be abandoned, and instead the company intends to put more emphasis on work on generative artificial intelligence, which – as can also be seen by the movements of many other top companies in the new technology industry – is becoming the absolute number one topic in Silicon Valley in 2024 .

Especially since if you look at Apple's achievements so far, the company does not stand out in this respect compared to its most important competitors, such as Google or Microsoft.

The Apple Car may have been too ambitious a project

It is also very likely that the Apple Car was simply too ambitious a project for the current needs of the automotive market, which made it much cheaper for Apple to give up a decade of work than to introduce a product to the market that would fall short of industry expectations and would be too expensive and in the end – it would lose the competition with Tesla. Apple is a company that can afford such moves, and the decision is certainly driven by serious analyzes carried out by the world's best people for this type of tasks.

The Apple Car was supposed to be buried due to many problems that appeared already at the stage of designing the revolutionary electric car with the apple logo on the hood. Above all, however, the company was afraid that incurring increasing expenses in this area might ultimately prove to be a road to nowhere, and even if the Apple Car went into production, the price of one copy would have to be too high for the capabilities of typical customers of premium electric cars. .

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