Astronaut Sławosz Uznański exercises before going into space. I want to take this to orbit

Astronaut Sławosz Uznański exercises before going into space.  I want to take this to orbit

Polish astronaut and candidate for the ISS mission, Sławosz Uznański, is preparing hard for a possible flight into space. As he reveals, he exercises his mind and body, and he would like to take two things into space.

Sławosz Uznański – engineer, astronaut and probably the second Pole in space – recently visited the Catholic University of Lublin. The scientist answered many questions asked by guests and the media. He revealed, among other things, how his training goes.

Astronaut Sławosz Uznański is training before the mission to the ISS

The Polish astronaut was selected for the reserve of the European Space Agency (ESA) in November 2022, where he was selected from over 22.5 thousand candidates. reports. In August 2023, Polish participation in the mission to the International Space Station became certain. Although Uznański has not been confirmed by name, he is the only candidate so far.

The engineer was asked, among others: about how he feels as the second Pole who will most likely find himself in space. However, he replied quite conservatively – There is (…) a certain amount of uncertainty; I don’t know what awaits me (…). We’ll see what the future brings, I hope a space mission awaits me – he concluded.

However, on September 4, the Pole began rigorous training for astronauts. It is being prepared at the ESA base in Cologne, Germany. The training is designed to be demanding for both the mind and body.

I went back to school, just like I used to be a student (…), looking through hundreds of slides. Of course, I need to acquire this knowledge. I also have a large dose of physical training, medical research, media training – says Uznański.

The Polish astronaut can’t wait. What does he want to take into space?

The engineer adds that he is waiting for training on the appropriate equipment that he will use during the mission. – I can’t wait for the practical part to actually use these systems that are on a space station, or in a Dragon capsule, or how to pilot a rocket, or perhaps a plane – he didn’t hide his excitement.

Uznański was also asked extensively about what he would like to take with him on a mission to the ISS. He revealed that each astronaut can take one meal with him, although it must undergo many tests in the laboratories of space agencies. – I hope I will be able to take home Polish food; I don’t know what yet. I heard that we already have freeze-dried bigos in Poland, and maybe we will see pierogi – he announced.

He also added that he wanted to take the book “The Weight of Weightlessness” by General Mirosław Hermaszewski – the first Polish astronaut – into orbit. Some time ago, the author personally gave Uznański a copy with a dedication. Uznański hopes that he will find time on the ISS to read more deeply.

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