Aviation fuel was created from… human excrement. It is cheap and ecological

Aviation fuel was created from... human excrement.  It is cheap and ecological

Aviation fuel made from human excrement is ecological and economical because the main ingredient is produced naturally and is cheap to obtain.

The British company Firefly Green Fuels works towards sustainable development by inventing new ways of obtaining aviation fuels that are supposed to be ecological and as green as possible. One of her latest inventions – and perhaps for many people with a traditional approach to the issue of energy sources it will be shocking – is a fuel consisting of, among others, from human excrement.

Fuel from human excrement. This has never happened before

What is most obvious in this case is that the aviation fuel created by Firefly Green Fuels is supposed to be as harmless to the natural environment as possible and very cheap to produce. The company boasts that its breakthrough fuel generates 90% less energy. a smaller carbon footprint than kerosene from fossil fuels, and all this is done while maintaining identical energy capabilities.

Fuel made from human excrement from the British Firefly Green Fuels is currently at the stage of independent testing at the DLR Institute of Combustion Technology at the German Aerospace Center, which is carried out in cooperation with Washington State University.

However, there is one small snag in all this, and that is the potentially quite problematic issue of the availability of human excrement that could be used to produce the innovative fuel. It is estimated that each person could produce approximately 4-5 liters of biofuel per year, which in the case of a flight from New York to London would require obtaining an “intermediate product” from as many as 10,000 people. And we’re talking about a one-way trip only.

However, if the tests were positive, it would mean that jet fuel made from human excrement could constitute 5 percent. Great Britain’s entire demand for this raw material. This is still a lot, considering the fact that – as we wrote at the beginning of this article – this type of fuel would be both ecological and cheap.

Not only people, but also cows

Quite recently, we wrote that cow feces also has an equally amazing energy potential, which – thanks to inventors from Japan – can be used as a fuel ingredient for a rocket engine, which would be a breakthrough invention in the field of ecology and space technology.

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