Christmas trees distributed to residents. New action of the State Forests

Christmas trees distributed to residents.  New action of the State Forests

The symbol of Christmas is waiting for collection in many regional forest districts. The iconic action of the State Forests was again warmly welcomed by the residents.

Over the next weekend and the next few days, forest districts in many regions of Poland will offer residents the opportunity to pick up a Christmas tree. All thanks to the launch of special plantations where cutting down trees is completely allowed.

Go to the forest to get a Christmas tree

The campaign called “Christmas tree picking” was popular a year ago, when in exchange for collecting a tree, one had to confirm a blood donation. This year, the State Forests do not have any requirements regarding who can collect the Christmas tree. “Take something with you to cut down the tree (preferably a hand saw), gloves, safety glasses and some positive energy!” – we read in the organization’s post on Facebook. According to the organizers, cutting takes place on specially designated plantations, where visitors will be able to warm up by a bonfire and drink warm tea. The campaign aims to encourage people to use real, biodegradable trees instead of their plastic counterparts.

Check the information on the website of your local forest district

Not every forest will offer only free Christmas trees. “Be sure to check the Facebook profiles or websites of forest districts in your area to check the place, hours, other details of the action, as well as whether your local forest district is taking part in this year’s edition of Christmas tree picking,” explain the State Forests. Some forest districts have prepared a price list, which is still very competitive compared to store offers. For a large tree we will pay only a few dozen zlotys.

Internet users are satisfied with the next edition of the popular initiative. “The forest is not only for mushrooms. At the same time, you can relax a bit and see what the forest looks like at this time of year,” we read. Although at this time of year life in the forest is not as developed as during warmer seasons, we still have a chance to meet the king of the forest.

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