Cola-Cola must adapt to EU regulations. It’s the nuts

Cola-Cola must adapt to EU regulations.  It's the nuts

About a year from now, there will be new Coca-Cola bottles with caps permanently attached to the packaging. The changes are related to the need to adapt to EU regulations.

According to the website, Sidel, a company cooperating with Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, has shown beverage packaging in new versions. For lovers of the iconic drink, this information may be important, because they will no longer be able to tear the cap off the plastic bottle. From the middle of next year, they will have to be permanently attached to the packaging.

Coca-Cola will change the caps. The effect of EU regulations

The changes are not a whim of the company, they result from the need to adapt to EU regulations – Coca-Cola Europacific Partners is obliged to implement the changes by July 2024, in accordance with the regulations on single-use plastics (SUP).

The portal says that the new bottle will not be just a package with an attached cap. With the need to make changes, the company decided to use a lighter neck on the plastic bottles of its carbonated drinks. – As planned, in May 2022 we released the first bottles on the UK market. The pilot program carried out in Barcelona helped us to understand and identify any potential problems together – said Geert Marse, technical manager for packaging at CCEP, quoted by the portal.


The arrival of the new bottles is to be accompanied by an extensive information campaign explaining how to use the new cap and supporting consumers in gradually changing their habits. Consumer feedback is to be taken into account and corrective action will be taken if necessary.

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