Conflict on the right wing in the European Parliament. PiS may leave the faction

Conflict on the right wing in the European Parliament. PiS may leave the faction

PiS MEPs have so far belonged to the European Conservatives and Reformists, but this may soon change. According to the Italian agency ANSA, PiS’s priority is an agreement with the Italian Brothers, Giorgi Meloni’s party.

The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) faction informed that after the admission of new MEPs, it had 83 seats in the European Parliament. This result makes it the third power in the European Parliament. However, it is possible that this will change.

According to the Italian agency ANSA, among others, Law and Justice MEPs may leave the ECR. The priority for PiS is to be an agreement with the Brothers of Italy, the party of Giorgi Meloni. “It will depend on her whether she wants to create a conservative bloc with the ID party, dominated by the French from the National Rally Marine Le Pen, or whether she will seek compromise cooperation with the EPP so as not to endanger EU funds for Italy,” said former MEP Witold Waszczykowski in an interview with the portal

ANSA reports that the negotiations should be completed on Wednesday, when the conservative group meets in the European Parliament.

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According to Interia, PiS is still lobbying for “the unification of all conservative forces within one faction.” The problem is that there is a stir within the EKR ranks. Giorgia Meloni does not want to cooperate with Marine Le Pen and Viktor Orban, and Le Pen does not intend to join the same faction with the German AfD. Orban has already announced that Fidesz will not join the ECR because an anti-Hungarian formation from Romania has been accepted into the group. – We commit to strengthening European right-wing parties, even if we are not in the same group, Orban said after the meeting with Meloni.

There were also speculations in the Italian media about the European Conservatives and Reformists joining the majority in the EP, led by the European People’s Party. The EPP, in turn, wants to support Ursula von der Leyen as a candidate for another term as head of the European Commission.

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