Criminologist: The sight of a 12-year-old girl being raped was arousing for millions of men

Criminologist: The sight of a 12-year-old girl being raped was arousing for millions of men

The number of teenage girls who are victims of filmed rapes is increasing. Videos posted on Pornhub then break popularity records. There is no effective way to remove them. Will the first lawsuits change this situation? Does the law follow the development of the pornographic market? – in an interview with “Wprost”, the situation is analyzed by Dr. Magdalena Grzyb, a criminologist from the Jagiellonian University.

Krystyna Romanowska: Laila Mickelwait, founder of Justice Defend Found, an organization fighting human trafficking, informed on her former Twitter that Pornhub did not want to take down a video of a real rape of a 12-year-old girl from Ontario, Canada. The website reported that “Unfortunately” only has one person to review potential content for removal. Meanwhile, there are 700,000 films waiting in the queue. Besides, according to Pornhub representatives this video had only one red flag from the audience, and a video that has… 15 of them is eligible for removal.

Dr Magdalena Grzyb: Let’s first explain what happened in this situation. The film – as reported – from the beginning of September – was available “daily” to 130 million users visiting this website and only “one fair one” decided to give the film a “red flag”, i.e. signal inappropriate content. Following this line of thought, we can conclude that the sight of a 12-year-old girl being raped and crying was arousing for millions of men who watched the film and who masturbated to the recording.

Going even further, we can consider what causes such a rapid normalization of brutal pedophilia acts involving younger teenagers?

Because there is a gap between classic pornography and watching a real rape of a child?

In her book “Politicia sexual de la pornografia” (“The Sexual Politics of Pornography”), Spanish philosopher and researcher Monika Alario Gavilan argues that it is not and explains how rape of minors through pornography has come to be normalized. How is it that we pass on filming the rape of a teenager in the name of liberal sexual freedoms, epitomized by pornography? Gavilan herself became so aggressive for expressing her views that pornography is a form of violence against women and girls that she had to delete her social media accounts.

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