Czarnek hits PO-PSL. He talks about “dusting” the company

Czarnek hits PO-PSL.  He talks about "dusting" the company

The PKP Energetyka company, which is extremely important from the point of view of the security of the Polish state, was “dusted” by the PO-PSL government at the very end of their rule – said the Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek during today’s press conference.

The Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, organized a press conference today on the footbridge over the railway tracks in Warsaw. – Today we are in a specific and very significant place – next to PKP railway tractions, which are owned by PKP Energetyka – said Czarnek, emphasizing that PKP Energetyka is “the owner of energy and electricity networks, high-voltage and low-voltage networks, supplying electricity to PKP traction and operator of these networks.

Czarnek about “dusting” PKP Energetyka by PO-PSL

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science reminded that in the fall of 2015, 100 percent of the company was sold. shares of PKP Energetyka to an external entity. – Imagine that a company such as PKP Energetyka – extremely strategic, fundamental not only from the point of view of the business of Polskie Koleje Państwowe, and thus also the interest of the Polish state, but extremely important from the point of view of the security of the Polish state – has been “dusted” by the PO-PSL government at the very end of these governments – said Czarnek.

– In this way, the Polish state, the Polish government, but the Polish society, most importantly, lost control over the strategic PKP company – PKP Energetyka – added.

Czarnek emphasized that “the government of Law and Justice, as part of the re-Polonization of such strategic companies, regained PKP Energetyka”. – On April 3, 2023, PGE repurchased 100 percent. shares, and in this way the Polish state and Polish society took over what the Tusk governments – at that time Mrs Ewa Kopacz was Prime Minister – sold out – said the head of the Ministry of Education and Science.

– Redemption of this means restoring control over the strategic energy sector, which is within the entire line and concept of PGE’s operation. Because the Polish state, as a responsible state, safe for its citizens, must have control over strategic sectors – added.

PGE – as Polskie Radio reminds us – bought 100 percent for PLN 1.913 billion. shares in PKPE Holding, controlling, among others, PKP Energetyka. As Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki emphasized at the time, it was a “good economic decision”.

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