Did the opposition make a mistake? This survey may give politicians food for thought

Did the opposition make a mistake?  This survey may give politicians food for thought

KO, Third Road and the Left did not decide to run together in the parliamentary elections. In the latest survey, a large group of respondents are quite critical of this move by opposition groups.

The campaign before the parliamentary elections is entering a decisive phase. The Civic Coalition has already revealed its electoral lists, and Third Droga and Lewica also presented their first candidates. In the latest survey, which was conducted by IBRiS on behalf of “Rzeczpospolita”, respondents were asked what impact the fact that the opposition (KO, Trzecia Droga, Lewica) was running in the elections from three separate lists would have on the final result of the “anti-PiS” groups .

Would one opposition list be more beneficial for her? Latest poll

36.4 percent respondents believe that such a development will worsen the overall result, and 12.2 percent – will correct. 22 percent respondents are of the opinion that such decisions have no impact on the final result. 29.4 percent respondents cannot clearly answer this question.

“Rzeczpospolita” also presented more detailed survey results. 42% of people are critical of the opposition’s start from three lists. voters who declare that they will vote for the United Right, 37 percent – opposition and 31 percent undecided. 2% expect a positive impact on the result from a separate start. voters of the ruling camp, 16 percent – opposition and 17 percent – undecided.

PiS lists are still a secret. A convention was announced

Law and Justice has not yet presented its electoral lists. Politicians announced that they would be presented at the turn of August and September. The convention, announced by, among others, is also to be an important point of the PiS campaign. Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

– We will learn about the PiS program earlier, because it has already been completed. At the next convention, which we have planned for September 9, we also want to show the main points of the program, inspire Poles, and show our vision – said Mateusz Morawiecki on Polsat News. Unofficial media reports indicate that the convention will be held in Końskie.

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