Do you use honey in cooking? Choose this product: “A teaspoon has the strength of 50 teaspoons of traditional honey”

Do you use honey in cooking? Choose this product: "A teaspoon has the strength of 50 teaspoons of traditional honey"

Manuka honey is becoming more and more popular. It is appreciated primarily for its unique health-promoting properties. Dietitian Dr. Hanna Stolińska reminds us about them. See why it is worth eating manuka honey.

Manuka honey comes from New Zealand. It is produced by bees from nectar collected from manuka tea bushes. They grow in hard-to-reach places and bloom for a very short time (only 4 weeks). That is why manuka honey is considered an extremely valuable and unique product. It is a treasure trove of many compounds important for the proper functioning of the body. One teaspoon of manuka honey, as Dr. Stolińska notes, “has the strength of 50 teaspoons of traditional honey.”

What properties does manuka honey have?

Manuka honey exhibits strong anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial effects. It strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight infections. That is why it is recommended for children, seniors, and people with reduced immunity. This product also has a positive effect on the digestive system. It relieves various gastric ailments, such as bloating, constipation, heartburn, abdominal pain, or a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Manuka honey, compared to other types of honey, is characterized by a characteristic mineral, deep, slightly bitter taste, but above all, an exceptionally high content of a compound called methylglyoxal (MGO) – notes Dr. Hanna Stolińska in one of her entries shared on social media.

Methylglyoxal (MGO) is a natural antibiotic and a strong antioxidant. It eliminates the harmful effects of free radicals. It slows down the body’s aging processes. It inhibits the multiplication of pathogens and the formation of mutations in cells. Thanks to this, it can reduce the risk of many diseases, including atherosclerosis, obesity and cancer.

Interestingly, manuka honey can also be used as a compress. Supports wound healing and skin regeneration. It is sometimes used to treat burns, bedsores, frostbite, as well as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

How to eat manuka honey? Contraindications

Manuka honey is a great addition to desserts, cocktails and various types of pancakes. It is also worth eating it, as Dr. Stolińska emphasizes, straight from the jar. The optimal amount is 2-3 teaspoons in the morning (on an empty stomach) or 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals. Manuka honey should not be consumed by people who are allergic to bee products or have glucose intolerance. It should not be included in the diet of children (under one year of age) and patients with diabetes.

Where to buy manuka honey?

Manuka honey can be purchased mainly in online stores. It is worth buying from trusted, certified suppliers. There are many different counterfeits on the market. The price of honey depends on the size of the package. For 500 grams, you have to pay about PLN 250.

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