Do you want to be more “eco”? It’s easy! Replace paper gas invoices with electronic ones

Do you want to be more "eco"?  It's easy!  Replace paper gas invoices with electronic ones

PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny customers can comprehensively service their gas and electricity contracts from anywhere in the world. Viewing invoices, reporting meter readings, quick transfers, the ability to sign contracts – these are just some of the functionalities of eBOK. The company encourages you to use the website and mobile application also thanks to the easy activation of EKOfaktura.

Being “eco” continues to be fashionable. This is no longer just a temporary craze for “zero waste” and recycling. Today, most of us are beginning to understand how important it is to care for the natural environment. Each of us can make simple changes in our lives to minimize waste. It is worth not only focusing on buying food products in biodegradable packaging, but also paying attention to everyday paper consumption. Many companies are moving away from printing hundreds of documents so as not to waste it unnecessarily. You can also reduce paper consumption by giving up traditional printed invoices.

Digitally and ecologically

With customer convenience and the natural environment in mind, PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny has launched the eBOK self-service service, where everyone can set up their own individual account. Approximately 1.2 million customers already use this solution. It allows you to view your invoices and control your energy consumption. Thanks to this, completing all formalities is less time-consuming – there is no need to visit the service office or use the hotline. Customers with an eBOK account can easily and quickly activate the EKOfaktury service, which replaces traditional paper documents sent by post with electronic invoices.

Thanks to this service, customers have quick and unlimited access to invoices immediately after they are issued and can use the Electronic Customer Document Archive from anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day.

New channels of contact with customers

But that’s not all! Since each of us today uses a smartphone, which has become our main tool to facilitate household chores, time planning and financial management, PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny has prepared a free mobile application for its customers, available for Android and iOS. It is extremely popular – it has over 1,500 downloads every day. The result is the 1st place among the most frequently downloaded applications in the “Home” category in the Google Play Store and the presence in the TOP20 in the “Business” category in the App Store. The eBOK application has already been downloaded by 570,000 people. users and this number is growing day by day.

What can you do via eBOK?

The self-service website and the eBOK application make it possible to conclude an online contract, quickly update data in the current contract, make online payments, and provide readings of the gas meter and electricity meter status. It also gives access to the current product offer.

Moreover, thanks to eBOK, the customer has the opportunity to conclude a comprehensive contract for the supply of gas fuel completely remotely, without leaving home.

Both the eBOK and the mobile application will appeal to everyone who values ​​not only convenience and a modern approach to the customer, but also cares about an ecological lifestyle.

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