Donald Trump’s main rival resigns. “There was no money to continue the campaign.”

Donald Trump's main rival resigns.  “There was no money to continue the campaign.”

Donald Trump’s main rival resigns and will not compete in the primaries. Ron DeSantis has decided to support the former president.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has decided to support Donald Trump. He announced the suspension of the presidential election campaign on social media.

– I am proud that I fulfilled my promises 100%. It remains clear to me that the majority of GOP primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance. Although there were sometimes disagreements between me and the former president, e.g. regarding the coronavirus pandemic, Donald Trump is better than the current incumbent Joe Biden. That’s clear, he emphasized.

Change in the USA. Donald Trump is getting closer to the nomination

According to CNN, Ron DeSantis’ decision was made after talks with donors. “Over the weekend it became clear that there was not enough financial support to continue the campaign,” it said. The station reports that the Florida governor’s decision surprised both his employees and supporters. “There was no money to continue,” one of DeSantis’ top donors told CNN.

Andrzej Duda was asked about the US elections in an interview for Fox News. The president recalled that during Donald Trump’s presidency, Poland had “very good relations with the United States.”

– The US President became involved in cooperation between the Three Seas countries, we signed many economic contracts that were fundamental for Poland, including: for the supply of liquefied gas, or have we started serious cooperation in the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Poland. These were actions that greatly strengthened the ties, including economic ones, between our countries, Duda said.

When are the US elections?

Former President Donald Trump won a “record victory” in the Iowa primary on Monday. The rivals were far behind.

The presidential elections in the United States will take place on November 5. Everything indicates that the incumbent president Joe Biden and his immediate predecessor Donald Trump will face each other. They must first obtain the nominations of their parties. Primary elections in other states will last until June.

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