Dorota Gawryluk taking another step towards the presidency? This move is clear

Dorota Gawryluk taking another step towards the presidency?  This move is clear

Dorota Gawryluk became the president of the Lepsza Polska Association. According to a person who knows what happened behind the scenes, these are preparations for the journalist's run in the presidential elections in 2025.

For some time now, there has been information in the media that the famous television journalist Dorota Gawryluk may run in the presidential elections in 2025. “Gazeta Wyborcza” reported on former PiS Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki's plan B in case his candidacy was blocked. This plan is to be included in the sentence “Dorota Gawryluk for president.” In this way, the politician would try to build a new right-wing camp, and Gawryluk would be a cross-party, social candidate that would unite Poles.

“Better Poland Association”. Is Dorota Gawryluk taking a step towards politics?

Subsequent movements may indicate that the plan is close to implementation.

Wirtualna Polska announced that the name of the “Clean Poland Program Association”, established on the initiative of Zygmunt Solorz-Żak in October 2019, has been changed. Even some of its members are not yet aware that on May 10, 2024, it officially changed its name to “Lepsza Polska Association”. Dorota Gawryluk is now its president.

Although the first objective of the association in the National Court Register is “protecting the climate system for the good of current and future generations of citizens of the Republic of Poland (…)”, the third one is “building a civil society”.

“Lepsza Polska” is also the name of Dorota Gawryluk's journalistic program broadcast from 2 p.m. on Polsat and Polsat News. Its aim is to look for “the best solutions for Poland”. The portal points out that the program is also intensively promoted with posters resembling election billboards.

A person familiar with the background of the matter told the portal that these were preparations for building structures. Another interlocutor claims that Dorota Gawryluk is getting closer to running in the elections. – She does not deny it herself, and it would seem that a journalist who does not plan to enter politics must do so immediately – he said.

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