“Duda plus vodka equals not being boring.” Jakub Kumoch’s sharp reaction

"Duda plus vodka equals not being boring."  Jakub Kumoch's sharp reaction

Zbigniew Parafianowicz, in his book “Poland at War”, described the behind-the-scenes of Warsaw’s policy in the face of Russian aggression against Ukraine. Some details sparked sharp reactions from those involved.

At the beginning of November, a book by Zbigniew Parafianowicz “Poland at War” was released in bookstores, which – according to the publisher – “describes unknown facts, behind-the-scenes conversations, the greatness and smallness of Polish politics.” The reader should learn from it, among others: what happened in the Presidential Palace, in the Polish services and army after the outbreak of the full-scale war in Ukraine, whether there was real friendship between Andrzej Duda and Volodymyr Zelensky and what resulted from the petty conflicts that began to appear after a few months.

The book contains numerous eyewitness accounts of participants of important meetings with Andrzej Duda. Over the weekend, the words of a person signed as “Diplomat B” became widely known. Journalist Patrycjusz Wyżga posted on the website X (formerly Twitter) a fragment of the book in which the mentioned official reports on feasts with the president.

“Duda plus water equals not being boring. Without alcohol, Duda is a terrible bore, while after alcohol it’s the other way around. Wisła was a regular event. Alcohol diplomacy with a very satisfying result. Duda is a great joke teller in Russian. I don’t know where he knows them from, but he said it with a good accent.”

Kumoch: Embarrassing statements made by a frustrated person

A fragment of the book sparked a reaction from Jakub Kumoch, currently the Polish ambassador to China, and at the beginning of the war the head of the International Policy Office of the President of the Republic of Poland. Kumoch was very involved in Ukrainian affairs and regularly participated in high-level informal and formal meetings. Now he has sharply commented on the account of the anonymous diplomat cited by Parafianowicz.

“Embarrassing statements of some anonymous frustrated person, offensive and rude. It’s a pity that he won’t say such stupidity under his name, about a man he – most likely – doesn’t know. The tendency for frustrated people to tell fairy tales occurs all over the world,” he said.

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