Emergency landing after a marital quarrel. The tourist set fire to a blanket and undressed on board the plane

Emergency landing after a marital quarrel.  The tourist set fire to a blanket and undressed on board the plane

A dangerous situation occurred during a ten-hour flight of a well-known European airline. A German tourist threatened to kill everyone on board.

Passengers of flight LH 772 will remember the blood-curdling crossing over Asia for a long time. The plane, which took off from Munich and was scheduled to land in Bangkok, was diverted to Delhi due to the threat to the lives of those on board. The dangerous incident occurred as a result of a marital quarrel between a German tourist and his Thai wife.

Lufthansa emergency landing in India

The Airbus A380 took off from Munich on Tuesday at 22:21 with an eleven-minute delay. The planned flight time to the Thai capital was 10 hours and 45 minutes. Lufthansa pilots unexpectedly decided to change direction and land at an airport in India. In Delhi, soldiers boarded and escorted a dangerous passenger who led to emergency procedures being used. The man from Germany was flying to Bangkok with his Thai wife.

According to passengers’ reports, the 53-year-old’s behavior got out of control during the flight. The first hours of the route were uneventful, but the journey took an unexpected turn after an argument on board. The woman told staff she felt unsafe because of her husband’s behavior.

The tourist’s outrageous behavior terrified his fellow passengers

It is unclear what the exact reason for the couple’s quarrel was. It is known that under the influence of emotions, the man broke his phone and scattered the food he received on the deck. He used a lighter to set the blanket on fire and then undressed. When the staff tried to calm him down, he threatened to kill everyone. Given the serious risk, the pilots decided to obtain permission for an emergency landing in India, where the army was waiting for the unruly passenger. This is not the first situation involving an insane passenger recently. This past week, another man decided to leave the plane by climbing onto the wing through the emergency exit doors.

“It was scary. All monitors tracking the flight were turned off so that those involved in the fight would not know that we were landing in Delhi and not Bangkok. After landing, all passengers were required to remain seated and an announcement was made over the loudspeakers that filming and photography were prohibited. At that moment, six soldiers boarded and escorted the man from the plane,” says one of the passengers on board in an interview with a German tabloid. The passengers did not hide their horror. “There was dead silence on board. It was a terrible situation. We are happy that everything turned out well,” another person said. After an unscheduled stopover, the LH772 continued towards Bangkok with an approximately two-hour delay.

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