Evacuation of Poles from the Gaza Strip. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urgently summoned the ambassadors

Evacuation of Poles from the Gaza Strip.  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urgently summoned the ambassadors

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs urgently summoned the ambassadors of Israel, Egypt and Palestine. The ministry is trying to urgently evacuate Poles from the Gaza Strip.

On Monday, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Paweł Jabłoński said on RMF FM that the ambassadors of Israel, Egypt and Palestine were urgently invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. – We will put pressure on them so that the civilian population, primarily our citizens, can safely get out of the Gaza Strip, Jabłoński said.

He assured that the ministry’s employees are putting a lot of pressure on all parties involved to continue the evacuation of Poles from the threatened area. He explained that activities in this direction had been carried out “from the beginning, and the first notes with the names of Polish citizens were sent already on October 9.” — The Israeli ambassador was at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on October 16, I talked to him personally. Ambassadors of Arab countries were also invited then, he assured.

Evacuation of Poles from Israel. Contact through the branch in Ramallah

The deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that there are 29 Polish citizens and two people who are members of their families in the Gaza Strip. – We have constant contact with them through our facility in Ramallah. Our embassies in Cairo and Tel Aviv are also involved, he said.

Among those probably held captive by Hamas in the Gaza Strip are: historian and spokesman for Polish-Israeli relations Alex Dancyg, who also has Polish citizenship. On October 7, the historian was probably kidnapped together with a group of residents of Kibbutz Nir Oz, as reported by Dancyg’s friend, historian Robert Szuchta, on TVN24. On October 27, President Andrzej Duda met with the son of the abducted scientist, Juwal.

On Sunday, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a statement in response to information about the temporary suspension of the possibility of evacuating foreigners from the Gaza Strip. “In the circumstances, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs indignantly emphasizes that every day our citizens stay in the Gaza Strip exposes them to the risk of losing their lives and brings suffering, especially to children. In our opinion, no circumstances justify the fact that Poles who have been in the Gaza Strip for three weeks cannot leave it, even though the Polish authorities are waiting for their reception on the Egyptian side,” it wrote.

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