Fair in Wrocław. The city responds to false information

Fair in Wrocław.  The city responds to false information

The organizer of the Wrocław Christmas market pays the city for providing the space, write city officials in response to false information appearing in the media.

The Wrocław city hall sent a correction to the Wprost editorial office regarding the information about the alleged lack of fees for providing urban space to the organizer of the Christmas fair. We publish its content.

“We correct the false information contained in the article of December 20, 2023, suggesting that the City of Wrocław does not demand any fees from the Fair organizer.

In fact, the organizer of the Fair paid PLN 50,000 for occupying the Market Square during the Christmas and New Year period of 2023/2024. PLN net (PLN 61.5 thousand gross). The decision on this fee was made in March this year. We determined its amount through negotiations under the applicable contract. It should be mentioned here that, with the exception of Krakow, this fee does not differ from the amounts charged by other large cities in Poland for similar fairs.

Regardless of the fee for occupying the Market Square, the Fair operator is obliged by the City of Wrocław to provide a number of services involving additional financial outlays. These costs are the responsibility of the fair organizer and exceed the amount for occupying the market square. These benefits are undoubtedly pro-social, city-forming and in the interests of Wrocław’s inhabitants. The organizer is, among other things, obliged to:

– Free provision of houses for the “Wrocław Socially and Locally” campaign, which was initiated by the City. It supports local craftsmen and promotes pro-social ideas. Places are made available to approximately 40 local entities, including non-governmental organizations. Smaller craftsmen and family factories also operate within this zone;

– providing free workshops for children from kindergartens and schools in Wrocław – these include classes on making Christmas decorations, decorating gingerbread, cultural animations, etc.:

– organizing concerts and artistic events as part of the Fair.

It should be emphasized that the City does not subsidize any of the above-mentioned activities. If we wanted to organize these events ourselves during the Christmas and New Year period, we would incur significant costs.

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