Farmers have unblocked Medyka, but they are not ending their protest. “Everything is ready to go back”

Farmers have unblocked Medyka, but they are not ending their protest.  "Everything is ready to go back"

Protesting farmers unblocked the border crossing in Medyka during the holidays. However, they warn that if their demands are not met, they will return to the border with Ukraine at the beginning of January. – We left everything in place – said one of the protest leaders.

The farmers announced the suspension of the protest on Saturday, after a meeting with Minister Czesław Siekierski, who came to Medyka. He was accompanied by Deputy Minister Michał Kołodziejczak. The new minister assured that farmers’ demands would be met, but it would take time. “Referring to the demand for a reduction in agricultural tax, Minister Siekierski emphasized that statutory procedures are already being prepared that will give local governments and mayors the opportunity to exempt farmers from the agricultural tax increase next year, and the money due will be returned to them the following year,” the ministry said. .

– We talked about the implementation of the demands with the Minister of Finance, in the presence of Prime Minister Donald Tusk, and there is acceptance when it comes to subsidies for corn. In this case, an application for acceptance has already been submitted to the EC, said Minister Siekierski after talks with the protesters. He noted that talks with farmers also concerned subsidies for liquidity loans. – If there is a need to increase this amount, we are open to it – he assured

Farmers unblocked the border crossing in Medyka

As announced, on Sunday morning, farmers left the Polish-Ukrainian border crossing in Medyka, which is confirmed by the Przemyśl police. However, the leader of the “Podkarpacka cheated village”, Roman Kondrów, emphasized that the protest had been suspended, not ended. – If we do not receive a letter from the Prime Minister assuring that our demands will be met, we will go back to lockdown at the beginning of next year, on January 2 or 3. That’s why we left everything at the site of our blockade, our tent, flags, everything is ready to return if necessary, said Kondrów, quoted by RMF FM.

Farmers began blocking the border crossing on November 23.

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