Farmers spread manure in front of Szymon Hołownia's house. “Traitor of the Polish countryside”

Farmers spread manure in front of Szymon Hołownia's house.  "Traitor of the Polish countryside"

Farmers' protests are taking place all over Poland. The protesters targeted, among others: Szymon Hołownia's house, in front of which manure was spread.

In the Sidra commune in the Sokółka district in Podlasie, the target of protesting farmers was, among others, a house belonging to Szymon Hołownia. Manure was spread in front of the entrance to the property and several tractor tires were also thrown.

In turn, on the fence surrounding the house of the Speaker of the Sejm, farmers hung banners with the slogans: “Traitor of the Polish countryside” and “Farmers thank you for gassing and clubbing in Warsaw.” The second inscription refers to the clashes with the police that took place during the protest in Warsaw on March 6. As a result of the riots, over 50 people were detained and several officers were taken to hospitals.

Farmers' protest. Szymon Hołownia's sharp comment

After the riots in the capital, Szymon Hołownia left no stone unturned on some of the protesters. – I clearly heard calls from the police to disperse, I clearly heard warnings that if anyone stayed in the place where the police were working, they did so at their own risk, that pyrotechnics should not be used. However, some group remained. This group, which was visible in the recordings, was partly masked, people who kept throwing firecrackers and provoking the police – explained the head of Poland 2050.

The Marshal of the Sejm added that “after talking to representatives of the services and, among others, The Marshal's Guard concluded that the farmers were joined by a group of provocateurs, brawlers, wearing balaclavas and carrying firecrackers, whose aim was to create a riot. – These were not protesting farmers. These were professional brawlers, professional hooligans who wanted to take advantage of the situation. I have no doubt that the matter should be clarified, and those who provoked, who actually took advantage of this protest and with whom I believe that the majority of protesters want nothing to do with, should be arrested – he concluded.

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