Fatal forecasts for Poles for the world championships in athletics. It’s going to be the worst in many years

Fatal forecasts for Poles for the world championships in athletics.  It's going to be the worst in many years

If these predictions come true, the World Athletics Championships will be extremely unsuccessful for the representatives of Poland. Experts have indicated who will win a medal at the event in Budapest. The forecast for the White and Reds is disastrous.

The World Athletics Championships are fast approaching. This event in 2023 will take place in Budapest and will last from 19 to 27 August. Many stars from our country will go to the capital of Hungary, although some important figures will also be missing. Therefore, the predictions as to how many medals the White-Reds and White-Reds will win are, to put it mildly, not the best.

The stars of the Polish national team will not go to the world championships in athletics

Let us remind you that many Polish runners, who have recently been the strength of our relay team, will not be able to attend this extremely prestigious sporting event. We will certainly not see Małgorzata Hołub-Kowalik in action because she is pregnant. Injuries ruled out other members of “Matusinski’s Angels”. Neither Iga Baumgart-Witan nor Anna Kiełbasińska nor Justyna Święty-Ersetic will be in Hungary.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. Recently, we found out, in a rather surprising way, that Adrianna Sułek will not appear in the world championships. Until recently, it was expected that the decathlete would go to Budapest to break the world record in heptathlon, which she herself suggested. Earlier, during the European Championships in Istanbul, she achieved an excellent result and held the title for a few moments before being beaten by Nafissatou Thiam. However, the Polish representative had to take a break due to pregnancy.

How many medals will Poles win at the World Athletics Championships?

67 White-and-Reds will take part in the championships, but according to the forecasts of experts from “Athletics Weekly”, this year’s event will be much worse for us than the previous one. From Eugene, our compatriots brought four discs of different colors. We only have one this time.

Who will be the alleged lucky one? The bet was on Wojciech Nowicki, specializing in the hammer throw. According to the authors of the analysis, he will win a gold medal. However, it must be admitted that such a thesis is quite credible, because in 2023 the hammer thrower has already proven that he is in great shape. Unfortunately, the chances of other stars of our national team are rated lower.

Below are the picks for the other Polish national teams.

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