Fear of Braun in Brussels. “I won’t be surprised if they give him protection”

Fear of Braun in Brussels.  "I won't be surprised if they give him protection"

The Confederation was supposed to gain peace in the Sejm, but it gained trouble in Brussels. According to Interia, the name of Grzegorz Braun arouses so much reluctance in the European Parliament that no faction wants to accept the Confederation with the controversial politician on board.

Grzegorz Braun won almost 114,000 votes in the European Parliament elections, which gave him a mandate as an MEP. As described by Interia, the elections were supposed to be a test of the popularity of the controversial politician, and at the same time a “win-win situation” for the Confederation leaders. If Braun obtained a poor result, his supporters in the party would lose their position, and if – as happened – he won the mandate, the Confederation would gain peace in the Sejm.

However, it turns out that the situation is far from ideal for the Confederation. “The name of the Polish politician arouses reluctance among conservatives sitting in the European Parliament. Nobody can imagine accepting Confederation politicians with the controversial Braun on board,” says Interia. This means that Anna Bryłka and Stanisław Tyszka, MEPs responsible for the negotiations in Brussels, face a difficult task.

Braun as Korwin-Mikke in EP?

According to the portal, the negotiations are taking place without Braun, who did not answer journalists’ questions about which faction he is closest to and whether he is considering becoming an independent MEP. “Everyone is afraid that he will take down EU flags or destroy pictures of Altiero Spinelli. I will not be surprised if they give him protection in the first weeks. Unofficially, I have even heard of such plans,” said “one of the right-wing MEPs.”

Interia’s interlocutors also note that EU officials have long “not been friendly towards politicians with right-wing views.” – All this involves financial penalties, persistent checking of individual deputies and simply making life difficult – said one “well-known right-wing politician”. As we read further, “quietly” the Confederation hopes that the fate of Grzegorz Braun will be similar to that of Janusz Korwin-Mikke, who was supposed to be silenced by, among others, financial penalties. – Maybe if he gets seriously hit in the pocket, he will calm down? – said one of Interia’s interlocutors.

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