Fire at Zielona Góra. The government has announced what aid it will provide to eliminate its effects

Fire at Zielona Góra.  The government has announced what aid it will provide to eliminate its effects

The government will allocate PLN 43 million, and the city PLN 12 million, for removing the effects of the fire at the illegal landfill in Przylepa, the Minister of Climate and Environment Anna Moscow announced on Wednesday.

At Wednesday’s press conference, Climate Minister Anna Moscow thanked the services that were involved in putting out the fire of the illegal landfill in Przylepa near Zielona Góra. The minister informed that the Lubuskie State Fire Service and the Volunteer Fire Brigade will receive PLN 1 million to rebuild capacity after the fire.

The government will allocate money from the state budget reserve in the amount of up to PLN 43 million for the removal of the effects of the fire of the illegal landfill in Przylepa. The city will spend PLN 12 million for this purpose.

Let us remind you that on July 22, a fire broke out in a hall in the village of Przylep. Dangerous substances were stored in it. The fire was brought under control in the evening of the next day. A total of 376 firefighters, 107 vehicles and two aircraft took part in the entire operation.

Forensic experts inspected the scene of the fire

A few days later, the prosecutor announced thatexperts in the field of fire, but also chemistry and environmental protection have already inspected the place of fire. Samples have been collected for testing, which will help answer more difficult questions about the fire.

– We cannot rely on the results of studies commissioned by other authorities. Of course, this will constitute evidence in the case and will be subject to assessment, while the prosecutor’s office, as an independent body, aims to conduct comprehensive proceedings, including the process of securing materials, e.g. samples – said Ewa Antonowicz, spokeswoman for the District Prosecutor’s Office in Zielona Góra.

The area covered by the fire was combed with a 3D scanner. Thanks to this, experts will be able to provide a more accurate opinion as to the size and causes of the fire. The said device is to record the condition of the hall, the objects in it, their distribution and help determine the epicenter of the fire.

The prosecutor’s office is currently focusing on collecting evidence and questioning witnesses, including the owners and users of the hall. The spokeswoman admitted that the hall was not covered by municipal monitoring. – On the other hand, monitoring systems were secured, which were located in nearby halls by private entrepreneurs – she said.

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