First weights, then volleyball lesson. Polish women are back on track

First weights, then volleyball lesson.  Polish women are back on track

Polish volleyball players returned to winning ways. In the next VNL 2024 match in Hong Kong, they defeated the Dominican team, although there was a tense fight in the first set.

The Polish national team could already be calm about their future in the 2024 Nations League before the match. Thanks to Thursday’s results, the Polish national team secured the right to play in the final tournament in Bangkok. All that was left for them was to fight for a good seeding and points for the FIVB ranking. In the second match of the tournament in Hong Kong, Stefano Lavarini’s team defeated the Dominican Republic 3:0 (33:31, 25:20, 25:16).

Polish volleyball players again did not give their opponents a chance

The beginning of the match belonged to the Polish team, who quickly built up a four-point advantage. This forced Marcos Kwiek to react. Despite slightly making up for the losses, it was the Polish team that had the advantage in the set. They even led 20:16, but the end of the set turned out to be very emotional. With the score at 24:22, they lost three points in a row. A tense game of advantage began, in which Lavarini’s players had more chances. The Dominicans also had set balls, but ultimately, after many minutes of competition, the Polish team won 33:31.

The second set was equally even. The Dominican team had a minimal lead and lost it in the middle of the set. At that time, the White and Reds had minimal playing comfort. Over time, their advantage grew so much that the ending did not play out in the style known from the first game. Magdalena Stysiak, the driving force in Lavarini’s team’s offense, played effectively. The Polish women finished the game with a 25:20 victory.

The last game was dominated by the Polish volleyball players, who won the first six balls. They were building a huge advantage that their rivals from the Caribbean could not make up for. The third-ranked team in the FIVB rankings slowed down the pace of play a bit, but still had great initiative. The rivals seemed resigned to their fate and wanted to finish the match. Ultimately, the Poles won 25:16 and returned to victory in great style.

The Polish women will play against the Thais in the next VNL 2024 match

The most effective player in the winning team was Magdalena Stysiak (24 points). The Polish national team has no time to rest. Tomorrow the volleyball players will face the Thais. The clash will start at 10:30 Polish time.

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