Former BOR officer in charge of Jarosław Kaczyński’s private security. “We have become helpers”

Former BOR officer in charge of Jarosław Kaczyński's private security.  "We have become helpers"

A former high-ranking officer of the Government Protection Bureau criticizes Jarosław Kaczyński’s decisions to use private security. – What is the prestige of a country whose important politician does not trust its own services – wonders the expert.

The Grom Group security company founded by former GROM commandos has been protecting Jarosław Kaczyński since at least 2010. PiS financial reports show that the annual cost of 24-hour protection for the leader of the United Right is between PLN 1.6 and 2 million.

– I can say with certainty that this is a very large amount. I know from experience that such a premium service can be organized to be much cheaper – comments Marcin Kowalski from Protego Security, a company that deals with VIP protection, for Onet.

Loud news after Szymon Hołownia’s decision. Former BOR officer: It bothered me

Kaczyński’s protection became famous recently when she was banned from entering the Sejm by Marshal Szymon Hołownia. – I must honestly admit that what has happened in recent years bothers me – admits a former high-ranking officer of the Government Protection Bureau, which was transformed into the State Protection Service.

– It pains me to know that it was not the SOP that was the most important and prestigious formation there, but some private security agency. I understand that former commandos of the prestigious Grom formation serve in the Grom Group. But these are soldiers, not people trained from the beginning of their career to protect the most important politicians in the country. As a result, the prestige of my former service actually decreased. We have become some “helpers” of private security guards – laments a former BOR officer.

Jarosław Kaczyński doesn’t trust his own services?

A former high-ranking officer of the Government Protection Bureau explains that in the US, a Secret Service agent “climbs the career ladder” by working for the state, and then leaves for the private sector, where he earns huge fees. – However, it never works the other way around. And with us everything is upside down. What is the prestige of a country whose important politician does not trust his own services and hires private bodyguards? – sums up the expert.

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