Former PiS spokesman on KPO. “Crowning Proof That Milestones Didn’t Matter”

Former PiS spokesman on KPO.  "Crowning Proof That Milestones Didn't Matter"

Radosław Fogiel said that if it turns out that Donald Tusk and Ursula von der Leyen announce the transfer of funds from the KPO to Poland, it will mean that everything was “a purely political game to weaken the PiS government and to make it easier for PO and Donald Tusk to come to power.” “.

Radosław Fogiel was asked about the prospect of Poland receiving money from the KPO in Brussels and the failure of PiS policy on this topic. – It would seem, as we observe the events of the last few hours, that this money is actually being forced into our hands, that there are mountains of money lying there and we can take a shovel and load it, said the PiS politician ironically on Polskie Radio 24.

– Unfortunately, nothing like this has happened in recent years and this only proves that if indeed – because the conference between von der Leyen and Donald Tusk is announced for today – it turns out that it will be announced there that Poland receives money from the KPO, then on the one hand, it’s good, because Poland was owed the money for a long time, Fogiel continued.

Radosław Fogiel about KPO. “A purely political game to help Donald Tusk come to power”

The former spokesman for Law and Justice added that “on the other hand, this will be crowning proof that no rule of law, no conditions and milestones, whatever anyone called them, did not matter and it was just a purely political game, for “weakening the PiS government and making it easier for PO and Donald Tusk to come to power.” According to Fogel, “everything indicates that this scenario will be confirmed.”

– If it turns out that Polish entrepreneurs and citizens, and Polish development, which could be accelerated thanks to these funds, were taken hostage by Donald Tusk’s Brussels colleagues just to help him win the elections, we will speak loudly about it – assured the MP PIS. Fogiel concluded that Law and Justice is from a different faction than the one that holds power in Brussels. – This political fight lasted longer than from the moment Donald Tusk appeared in Warsaw – he concluded.

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