GIF is withdrawing a popular patch from pharmacies. It was not approved for sale. Do you have it in your medicine cabinet?

GIF is withdrawing a popular patch from pharmacies. It was not approved for sale. Do you have it in your medicine cabinet?

The Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector (GIF) has issued a statement in which it has announced the withdrawal from circulation of an article called Tiger Plaster with a Cat. Check the details of the decision.

The tiger patch with a cat contains substances such as camphor, capsaicin and menthol, which have a warming effect and are used to relieve pain caused by excessive muscle tension. The product is eagerly used by athletes and physically active people, as well as people struggling with chronic muscle pain. Until now, it could be obtained in almost every pharmacy – both stationary and those operating on the Internet.

Why did GIF withdraw the tiger patch with the kitten from sale?

The tiger patch with a cat was sold as a cosmetic, although it met the definitional criteria for a medicinal product in terms of pharmacological properties. At the same time, as indicated by the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector, it did not obtain the appropriate permits and was not approved for sale as a medicinal product.

It should be noted that for a product that meets the criteria of a medicinal product (due to the properties of the active substance and intended use) and a cosmetic, the provisions of the Pharmaceutical Law Act (Pharmaceutical Law Act – editor’s note) apply, as explicitly indicated in Article 3a of the Pharmaceutical Law Act. The product “Tiger patch with a cat” has not been approved for sale on the terms described above. It is therefore a medicinal product not approved for sale, which has nevertheless been introduced to such sale and is offered for sale to the general public – we read in the announcement of the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector.

The tiger patch with a cat has been withdrawn from sale throughout the country. The GIF’s decision has been made immediately enforceable.

Other warming products available for sale

People who struggle with muscle pain and are looking for a way to alleviate their symptoms can use various ointments or warming compresses available in pharmacies. It is worth remembering, however, that pain can be a symptom of a disease developing in the body. Therefore, before using any preparation, you should consult a doctor.

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