Google knows what we have under the Christmas tree. This is what we are looking for before Christmas

Google knows what we have under the Christmas tree.  This is what we are looking for before Christmas

Google has published a list of the most wanted information before Christmas. I guess no one is surprised that Poles are interested in gifts. It is also important to remember the recipes for the Christmas Eve table, songs and films.

Google Poland provided us with data on the most popular phrases that Poles were searching for before the upcoming Christmas holidays. Like every year, we intensively searched for Christmas songs and gifts. In 2022, inspiration for gifts for the family, decorations and seasonal clothes also reigned supreme.

The holidays are coming – Poles decorate their houses and… paint their nails

Before it's time to distribute gifts, you need to decorate the house and get your family in the Christmas spirit. The slogan “Christmas decorations” increased by 180 percent in the second half of December. Many people also wanted to see “how to make Christmas decorations with your own hands.” Another Google hit was “light curtains.”

Like Christmas, it is a “Christmas tree” that Poles were looking for in both live and artificial versions. This year the trend is gaining 380%. searches were for a specific species of tree – “Douglas fir”. We were also looking for a “Christmas tree on a stump”.

Interestingly, the ladies wanted to get into the Christmas spirit by compulsively looking for inspiration for “Christmas nails”. The popularity of the phrase in the week before St. Nicholas Day increased by a staggering 1,500 percent.

OK Google, play Last Christmas and turn on the Grinch

The company notes that, like clockwork, Christmas songs that have been known for generations have returned to the list of the most popular searches, including: the immortal “Last Christmas”, “Merry Christmas” and “Jingle Bells”.

In the duel of films this year, “The Grinch” was the winner. The popularity of media with the classic hero Dr. Seuss was surpassed by interest in the legendary film “Home Alone.”

Gifts for dad, gifts for mom… but not too expensive

The year 2022 passing under the sign of inflation is also visible in our interest in gifts. “Small and cheap gifts for the family” have become a very popular phrase. However, even more often we look for a good gift “for children”, adding their specific age to the phrase.

Interestingly, Internet users are more likely to look for inspiration for a “gift for dad” than for mom. It's similar in marriages – searches for “a gift for a husband” were more popular than for a wife. Students often used the well-known phrase “a gift for a classmate up to PLN 30”.

The most popular gifts in Poland

The statistics also clearly show the gift preferences of our compatriots. This year, small electronics were unrivaled.

Google has noticed the rapidly growing interest in “smartphones” and “smartwatches” (especially watches for women), as well as small household appliances and “game consoles”. Video games were also popular, especially RPGs and automotive games.

Before St. Nicholas Day, “board games”, “toys”, “jewelry”, “blocks” and “books” were becoming more and more popular. Closer to Christmas Eve, we searched harder for “perfumes” and “clothes”.

What to bake for Christmas and what to wear on Christmas Eve

Before Christmas Eve, a cooking frenzy begins in every Polish home. The recipe can be found either in an old notebook or in a Google search. The cooks were most interested in specifics – “Christmas cakes”, “Christmas gingerbread”, “Christmas Eve ears” and “Christmas cabbage”.

In addition to the classics, other dishes were also gaining popularity, including: “Dakłas cake”, “kulebiak”, “łazanki”, “banana bread”, “cinnamon cakes” and “zucchini pancakes”.

Clothing trends were dominated by “Christmas pajamas”, “Christmas sweaters”, including “Christmas sweaters for couples”. The Christmas wave was completely outdone by “parachute pants” and “cargo pants” that were not related to the holiday season. The New Year is already looming in the background with the slogan “dresses for New Year's Eve 2022”.

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