Greta Thunberg returned to school. “My year break is over.”

Greta Thunberg returned to school.  “My year break is over.”

After a year of break, during which Greta Thunberg traveled around the world, the young activist returns to school. The Swedish woman announced this on social media, adding a photo and a short description.

“My year-long break from studying is over. It’s great to finally go to school again,” Greta Thunberg said on Facebook, adding a photo with a bicycle and a school backpack. However, the activist did not reveal in which city and school she intended to continue her education. Let us remind you that the Swedish girl rarely appeared at school over the last year because she took part in climate summits and youth strikes for the climate.

Climate activist

Thunberg, who has been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, became interested in climate issues when she was 8 years old. – I remember being amazed by the extraordinary fact that humans, as one of the species, can be able to change the Earth’s climate – she said in 2018 during the Ted Talk conference. Among various actions to improve the environment, Thunberg resigned, among others. from eating meat and traveling by plane. In this way, he wants to reduce his carbon footprint, i.e. “the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused directly or indirectly by a given person.”

During her speech to the US Congress, Thunberg refused to read her previously prepared speech. Instead, she handed politicians the current UN report on global warming. – I don’t want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to scientists and unite under the banner of science. At the UN climate summit, she accused world leaders of “stealing her dreams and childhood” and “empty words.”

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