He will head the Chancellery of the Sejm. He is a former colleague of Donald Tusk

He will head the Chancellery of the Sejm.  He is a former colleague of Donald Tusk

The Chancellery of the Sejm will be headed by Jacek Cichocki, former head of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Donald Tusk’s government. The procedure for his appointment was about to begin.

On November 21, the Rules, Deputies’ Affairs and Immunities Committee will meet for the first time. It consisted of 17 MPs: 7 from PiS, 6 from KO and one from each of the other parties. The work of the commission will be led by Jarosław Urbaniak from the Civic Coalition.

During the deliberations, the deputies are to issue an opinion to the Speaker of the Sejm regarding changes in the position of the head of the Sejm Chancellery. Agnieszka Kaczmarka is to be dismissed from her current position. Her successor will be Jacek Cichocki.

The information was confirmed by Szymon Hołownia on TVN24. – He is my long-time collaborator, since the presidential campaign. A man in whom I trust and a man who, next to Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, is absolutely crystal-clear and extremely honest – he said.

Jacek Cichocki – who is he?

In January 2008, Jacek Cichocki was appointed Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, and in 2011 he became Minister of Interior and Administration in Donald Tusk’s government. He then received, pursuant to the Prime Minister’s regulation, powers to coordinate the activities of the Internal Security Agency, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, the Military Counterintelligence Service, the Military Intelligence Service and the central Anticorruption Bureau. He headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs until 2013.

After leaving the ministry, however, he did not leave the government, but became a minister-member of the Council of Ministers, head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers. Jacek Cichocki was also the head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers during the prime ministership of Ewa Kopacz. He ended his government functions on November 16, 2015.

In recent months, he supported Szymon Hołownia. In February 2020, he became chief of staff when he ran for president. In turn, when the Poland 2050 party was established, he sat on the board of experts of the Strategie 2050 Institute associated with it.

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