Historic visit of Duda and Tusk to the USA. Brzeziński revealed the details

Historic visit of Duda and Tusk to the USA.  Brzeziński revealed the details

Andrzej Duda and Donald Tusk – despite political differences – will visit the United States together. Ambassador Mark Brzeziński talked about its details.

On March 12 – on the 25th anniversary of Poland's accession to NATO – Andrzej Duda and Donald Tusk will pay a joint visit to Washington. The official plan is not known yet, but it is known that representatives of the Polish authorities will meet with Joe Biden. Then Donald Tusk is to return to Poland and Andrzej Duda is to fly to Savannah, Georgia, to visit the Westinghouse power plant.

Duda and Tusk in the USA. What will they talk to Biden about?

The US ambassador to Poland said in an interview with “Fakt” that Joe Biden, together with the president and prime minister of Poland, will celebrate the risk of NATO expansion taken 25 years ago in order to join new countries from the post-communist region to improve our collective security.

– It was Joe Biden who led the preparation of the act expanding the Alliance to introduce Poland to NATO. Therefore, President Biden has been personally involved in the expansion of NATO and the defense of Poland for years. Tuesday will be, above all, a day confirming that NATO's collective defense works. We will also talk about the extremely important energy partnership between the USA and Poland, added the diplomat.

Mark Brzeziński also noted that trade between the United States and Poland is growing. He mentioned, among others: cooperation with companies such as Intel, 3M, Bechtel, Westinghouse and Amazon. – I think we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg on this topic. More business is on the way. This is an important milestone in US-Polish relations. There is no more valuable space in the US president's agenda for March 2024 than the visit of the Polish authorities, he assured.

Polish-American relations. Mark Brzeziński about common interests

The diplomat emphasized that Joe Biden would also like to once again thank the representatives of the Polish authorities for the support provided by our society after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. – I spoke personally with Joe Biden. He told me: Mark, I am extremely inspired by what Poles have achieved, he explained.

The American ambassador also assessed the state of Poland's relations with the United States. – The fact that your president and prime minister go to the Oval Office together – although they differ politically and ideologically – speaks volumes about what US-Poland relations are all about. It is about strategic and common interests. This is not about right-wing or left-wing politics. It's about what challenges divide us and how we can meet them together. Our relationship has never been stronger, he said.

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