How much will gas and electricity become more expensive? BI: forecasts can be thrown in the trash

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Electricity and gas suppliers have already sent forecasts of new prices to customers. PGNiG informed that the rate per cubic meter blue fuel will increase by nearly 50 percent, and electricity fees will increase by 30 percent. up. Business Insider reassures us: after July 1, things don’t have to be so dramatic, and it is even possible that the lists with forecasts can be thrown into the trash.

The increases are smaller than originally expected due to the Act on energy vouchers and amending certain acts to limit the prices of electricity, natural gas and district heating. On the one hand, it provides for the introduction of one-off aid for the worst-off households. The regulations provide for two income thresholds: up to PLN 2,500 for single-person households and up to PLN 1,700 per person for multi-person households. You can read more about the rules for paying out the voucher here.

– This act is intended to provide relief for Poles, especially those most energy sensitive, in times of high and unstable energy prices. The current government is doing everything to prevent draining citizens’ wallets. We are aware that social expectations are higher, but the state of finances after 8 years of PiS rule, as well as the lack of effective actions by Mateusz Morawiecki’s government aimed at diversifying energy sources or developing renewable energy sources, significantly limit our scope for energy support – said rapporteur Rafał Komarewicz from Poland 2050.

How much will electricity and gas bills increase?

The Act also provides for a maximum en Withand energy for households in the period July-December 2024 at the level of PLN 500/MWh and PLN 693/MWh for local governments, public utility entities and small and medium-sized companies. The current rates for households are PLN 412/MWh and have been unchanged since 2022.

Now, Business Insider reassures, the ball is in the companies’ side: PGNiG must apply for new tariffs, lower than those contained in the letters, which will certainly take several weeks. Until they are approved, the current price of the raw material will apply.

So how much will Poles’ bills increase? We will not have any data that raises any doubts until the President of the Energy Regulatory Office approves new tariffs. The Ministry of Climate predicts that gas prices may increase by approximately 15% on average in the second half of the year. For an invoice of PLN 200, you have to take into account a PLN 30 increase.

Electricity bills will probably increase by 22-23%. (i.e. less than the previously expected 29%). Here, the reduction was caused by the suspension of the application of the capacity fee, which is one of the components of the bill. For the previously mentioned PLN 150 invoice, this will mean approximately PLN 33-35 more per month.

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