“Indiscretions”: Tusk's quarrel with Hołownia. Who is responsible for Kaczyński's mistake?

"Indiscretions": Tusk's quarrel with Hołownia.  Who is responsible for Kaczyński's mistake?

Will new media reports about the draining of the state budget during the PiS government influence the party's result in the European Parliament elections? Did Donald Tusk's Tuesday rally increase PO's chances of defeating Jarosław Kaczyński's party? Can journalist Dorota Gawryluk be the dark horse of the presidential elections? We talk about this and other issues in the podcast “Parliamentary indiscretions to listen to”.

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The podcast was produced in cooperation with Studio Plac.

Donald Tusk's rally convened on June 4 in Warsaw was poorly advertised because many voters did not receive information about this event, the only one in this campaign with the direct participation of the Prime Minister. As a result, even people interested in politics simply forgot about it. On the other hand, it was a rally addressed to the core electorate of the Civic Platform.

Tusk boasted on the X website that 30,000 people came to meet him. Paweł Piskorski, former mayor of Warsaw, once said that Castle Square accommodates 30-35,000 people. people, so this place for the rally was chosen specifically to create the impression of a crowd.

Certainly the turnout at the rally was not comparable to the march on June 4 last year. When asked about this, Platform politicians explained that this was not the purpose of Tuesday's event. But the thing is, people don't know what the purpose of this election is. Why should they go to the polls?

In addition, a counter-demonstration took place near the rally, demanding respect for the rights of immigrants crossing the Polish-Belarusian border. The demonstrators complained to the Prime Minister that a year ago he spoke completely differently about the situation at the border and the treatment of immigrants than when he took power.

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