IQ is inherited from the mother or father? Scientists have taken intelligence under the microscope

IQ is inherited from the mother or father?  Scientists have taken intelligence under the microscope

Parents often banter about who the child inherited his intelligence from. “She’s so smart like her mother,” grandmothers often say. Grandparents, however, point to fathers. How to end this eternal war of the sexes? Experts already know. They are consistent with scientific findings.

But before we look at the research, let’s explain what intelligence actually is. Her quotient is examined by specialized psychological tests. It is a type of mental property manifested by the ability to solve problems, adapt (in the context of changing conditions) and solve new tasks. An “intelligent” person has a high ability to perceive relationships, think rationally and cope with difficulties, and easily acquires knowledge (with an understanding of facts).

IQ also has a numerical value.

Who does a child inherit IQ from?

The editors of the German newspaper “Die Welt” quote a study conducted in 2018 by a team of scientists led by Professor James Lee from the University of Minnesota. He looked at the DNA of over a million people and discovered that there were as many as 1,271 genetic variants associated with IQ and educational success.

Journalists point out that each of these genes influences IQ to some extent. But do a greater percentage of these 1,271 variants come from the mother or the father? To answer this question, it is necessary to take into account various hypotheses that have emerged over the years. One of them says that IQ is related primarily to the “X” chromosome. Women have two “X” chromosomes (“XX”) and men have one (“XY”). The “X” of a child most often comes from the mother, but the information contained in the sperm can be either “X” – which goes to girls, or “Y” – which goes to boys.

It was once believed, based on one study, that IQ was transmitted only via the “X” chromosome. This is probably related to the fact that he has an above-average number of genes – 16%. – that have to do with intelligence.

What’s the answer? It’s harder than it seems

However, focusing on genes in this case is not enough. The German daily indicates that IQ is ultimately influenced by many factors and is not exclusively inherited. Equally important is the appropriate environment in which a person grows. This is not only about emotional security, but also adequate food and access to education from an early age. Ultimately, however, we are born with certain intellectual predispositions that we will either be able to use thanks to a favorable environment, or we will not develop our abilities at all. The lack of these predispositions will manifest itself in such a way that, despite brain stimulation, we will not be able to break a certain IQ threshold.

So, there is no short answer to the question of who we inherit IQ from. We still know too little about the genes that are not the only ones responsible for IQ (which can be measured with a test). The environment also plays an important role in this matter.

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