Is Kaczyński developing a new myth for PiS? Miller: His silence is not accidental

Is Kaczyński developing a new myth for PiS?  Miller: His silence is not accidental

According to Leszek Miller, Jarosław Kaczyński is working on constructing a new myth of Law and Justice, which will help his party win the next elections. – His silence is not accidental – said the former prime minister.

On Monday, Leszek Miller was a guest of the “Rozmowa Piaseckiego” program on TVN24. The former prime minister commented on the current political situation in Poland and predicted President Andrzej Duda’s decision regarding the formation of a new government.

Miller: Duda is acting to the detriment of the state

The MEP emphasized that, in his opinion, the result of the parliamentary elections is a “big deal” because it will be possible to start the recovery process in Poland. He emphasized, however, that the complete removal of PiS from power takes time and will last as long as Jarosław Kaczyński’s party has control over state institutions.

Miller also noted that although the opposition groups achieved a joint victory, the situation would be much better if KO, and not PiS, had won the largest number of votes. – If KO had been first across the finish line, Tusk would have a different situation today, because PiS would not be able to say that he won the election and Tusk would have completely different cards in his hand – said the politician.

However, the former prime minister added that President Andrzej Duda, by delaying the appointment of Tusk as the new head of government, is acting against the interests of the state. – This is an act to the detriment of the state, if only because of our relations with the European Union, because we are waiting for the first payments from the KPO – he pointed out.

Konrad Piasecki’s guest also said that his conversations in the international arena show that European politicians are satisfied with the results of the elections in Poland. – I have heard opinions that this is not only the joy of Poland, but of the entire progressive Europe, and perhaps Poland has stopped the triumphant march of the right wing – he emphasized.

Kaczyński’s new myth

According to Miller, Andrzej Duda’s game for time is politically grounded. In this way, the president wants to gain in the eyes of Law and Justice politicians. – Duda is thinking about taking over Kaczyński’s legacy, but for this to happen, he cannot hand over the nomination to Tusk, because he will lose absolutely everything in the eyes of his allies – he said.

The former prime minister also shared his observations about the PiS president, who disappeared from public space after the parliamentary elections. – Kaczyński’s silence does not come out of thin air. He is working to create a new myth. There was betrayal at the round table, betrayal of the best Prime Minister Olszewski, betrayal in Smolensk and now there will be a myth: a stolen victory – predicted Leszek Miller.

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